I'm going to make a distinction, in love :-), but not to quibble.

I agree that our personal relationships and our societal relationships will benefit far greater by love, acceptance and forgiveness, and that is the best way to heal. You, @Meredith Miller, @Tessa Lena, etc have counseled that, and I'm convinced of the wisdom of it. I honestly and urgently pray we will be able to do that. I'm struggling with it each day, but I know ultimately, it's true.

Yet, our relationship to our government and its officials is not a personal relationship, nor is healing possible. It can be re-habbed, re-vamped, re-instituted, or whatever, but those same elected and appointed officials have deliberately abused us, have seized illegitimate power, and have abused us in sociopathic and psychopathic ways. They do not, indeed, can not, respond to a personal outreach of love and forgiveness. They are power-mad. They do not want to be in relationship with us; they want to enslave us. That is far past what we consider an abuser in a personal relationship.

I'm suggesting that, as such, they should indeed be punished, not in anger and resentment as we're feeling now, but in studious, deliberate societal and collective judgment of their wrongs. What else were the Nuremburg trials? It is necessary, not only for complete healing but for restoration of trust.

It is quite something to think they can simply sidelined and somehow restored to society. They are the very cancer that must be cut out of society and disposed of properly.

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Is it really true that there is any-one or any-thing (person, circumstance, institution, mineral, plant, other creature) that is NOT connected to us at some deep layer of essence/being? I ask myself this often as I share and understand the perspective you point to here. My own habitual and reflexive responses to a world that appears so markedly separate are very convincing at times.

I offer this possibility in addition: what if what we call healing or the healed state is simply the consciousness of this subtle ever-presence? Therefore it can't be acquired or restored because the only thing broken is our own personal and collective inability to sense into wholeness...and stand in the truth that allows differences to fulfill rather than separate us? Maybe, just maybe, what we see as outcast outside of us has mad-power because it's been cast off inside of us? For me the collective feels very personal. And Love feels like the necessary glue to help that bind.

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I emphatically agree with what you say, Dana. Perhaps most officials in gov't, media, "medicine", truly believed they were doing the right thing - when they gave injections, pushed injections, feared those who didn't comply. When they other'd their family out of fear for their own real vulnerabilities, and thought less of people who were into "horse de-wormer", which they believed was very dangerous. Forgiveness without punishment feels right for the vast majority who were caught up in these lies.

But the ones who understood, who manipulated data, manipulated human emotions - consciously, knowing that it was not for anyone's greater good but theirs ... the ones who had the power to communicate honestly to all the well meaning doctors who advised people to participate in this horrific experiment ... who knew this was not just an imperfect trade off but extremely unsafe, and kept lying ... About the injections and also about the treatments .. who knew how much safer repurposed drugs were than Remdesivir, and architected what was the opposite of a compassionate public health system. Who directed the media floods of lie after lie, with awareness of the cost. Punishment needs to happen, in a deliberate way.

Charles speaks about the human family .. when humans are forgiven, the space is open for healing, growth, something beautiful. I hear you.

But psychopaths / sociopaths are not human. When they are forgiven, the space is open for even more evil ...

A thought I've had about Charles various times, in the utmost love and respect ... sometimes the purest hearts don't understand that there are levels of evil operating through humans who aren't really humans .. that could be a spiritual force - or a psychological program so entrenched it's like artificial intelligence .. I don't know, but there has been too much done, that beyond what believing in the Nobel Lie can explain. Fauci, with all he has done, from AIDS to now, and before and between .. meticulously cited in RFK, Jr's book ... is an example of someone who does not deserve forgiveness. Yet even if he didn't, if forgiving him would right something of this mess in the physical and the spiritual, that would be wiser than holding a grudge and seeking punishment. But I don't think forgiving Fauci and the other psychopathic architects would help anything, on any level.

Yet Charles' kind words make sense for many others ... there should be real care in not blaming those who did not understand the harm, even as they took part in it.

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Wow, yes.

You add so many other things to consider, that I had not as I was sitting here wondering about this in terms of the Canadian truckers dissidence; wondering how to understand the reactions of the mayor, the city council, the police and the millions of Canadians who despise them. How does this apply in that situation; how do we love thru it?

Now you've brought more to consider--what of trans-humanists future world humans, neura-link humans, AI, what of the people whose minds and bodies have been literally captured by the machine, changed, lobotomized? How can we accept this, what does it do to our human spirit, to love?

I believe you are right, there are evil or demonic forces at work within this spiritual battle, within many humans, and they don't respond to love. They rejected that long ago.

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Gotta love these little fantasy speculations-- "Say we get all these guys behind bars one fine day, what do we do with them?"

Man, I gotta weigh in on this one! The only trouble I see in what DJ proposes is where he envisions "us" in "their" place: the Halls of Power with the intent to administer justice a la Nuremburg. We do this by reversing the direction of the Great Guns away from our heads & onto theirs. Once rid of "them", now "we" are going to do "their thing" the "right way".

Well now, are we not describing precisely the founding of America circa 1776? **yawns** I'm going to sleep now-- wake me up in 250 years when the whole stupid thing repeats itself. Have a cup of hot coffee ready for me & I'll propose one way out of it.

Well, we don't really have 250 years for that so let me show a way out of it now.

Okay then, we got 'em all locked up & jabbed up with whatever the hell drugs we got lying around, you know, just for fun. On all of their foreheads we have tattooed a large swastika (thank you QT). We've got all the psychotic con artist/swindler/vampire despots of the world & all their helpers: Bankers, lawyers, politicians, dictators, kings, queens, princes, emperors, priests, bishops & popes of all world-wide organized religions, judges, prosecutors, cops, soldiers, surveillance agencies, spy agencies, gun/liquor/tobacco/weed control agencies, corporate CEO's from Big Pharma, Big Media, Big Tech, Big Oil, Big Energy, Big Agriculture (big fkn prison we're going to need), Wall Street gangsters, Hollywood executives & bad actors (just kidding, executives only),university professors (these are the worst of all), did I leave anybody out?

Okay. Now then, what we do first is burn all the law books, all the state/fed constitutions, all the legal libraries, all the courthouses, all the prisons (except the ones we need to store these folks while we figure out what to do with them), all the official buildings, UN, DC (esp. burn all that Masonic/Scottish Rite garbage, Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg Hotel, Davos, I got dibs on destroying all Baphomet idols!) burn all the banks, all the fake money & printing hardware, find all the gold, diamonds, all the precious metals and take them back & equally distribute these to everyone on earth. Burn all the military stuff, all the armorys, aircraft, guns, tanks, surveillance devices, computers, underground bases (including the disgusting smelly grey aliens living like dirty insects grubbing around down there, they are complicit, possibly even masters), take the Musk/Bezos/Branson rockets up and shoot down all the satellites, burn Area 51 during a month-long Burning Man event and invite the entire world to burn "The Man" once and for all mankind.

All of this is broadcast live into each prison cell so our prisoners can watch a little TV.

Okay, all that takes quite a bit of time but we get 'er done. By now the prisons are stinking full of rotting, drug-addicted men (and women) formerly our rulers and keepers, waiting for our attention. Finally we give it to them. We inform the whole world that we are going to let them out. No one is in charge of anything. There are no halls of power anywhere on earth. Only communication infrastructure remains. There are no organizations of any kind that control people. Everyone thinks and acts according to their own natural wisdom & conscience or lacking the ability to do that, they follow the folks of their choosing. There is now only a world full of wild, free people, many of whom are armed to the teeth and remain extremely wary of power-minded, clever, dastardly ex-ruler/power-psycho/convicts. Many of these wild folks have chosen to travel to the last remaining prisons to welcome the ex-cons into the greater free world.

Nature takes its' course as the ex-cons (who all look like Charles Manson after a year or two locked up) walk right into their worst nightmare: Penniless & half-naked in a world full of armed, free human beings.

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Sometimes you get more than you asked for.

I was hoping for some solutions, this is at least a go at it.

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*snorts his coffee* Ha, that might work!

Might be easier just to "vaccinate" them.

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I just rewatched The Big Short last night and I think there are some parallels here. People with great power caused great harm to people with no power and there was almost no punishment and very few removals from positions of power. If anything there was just a rearranging of deck chairs. Today the financial world is just as toxic, there's been no improvement and an even bigger catastrophe awaits. I fear the same situation looms in the "government/pharmaceutical complex." I don't know the complete solution but I'm pretty sure it involves punishment as well as removal from power.

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RECOGNIZING & TRANSFORMING THE GAME: Yes we have a collective cancer, but also the ability to heal as a whole organism. Individual "Power-madness" within colonial institutions is common to all of us, as an addiction to our fake system of 'oligarch' false 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory'). Consumption is an addictive response to false empty 'value' & submissive status in the oligarch hierarchy. Most haven't taken the time to research how today's fake money is issued under the control of multinational 'oligarchs' ('oli' = 'few' + 'archy' = 'rule') who have minority but controlling interest within the US-Federal-Reserve, Bank-of-England (City-of-London) & Bank-of-International-Settlements. These few oligarch trillionaire individuals have by all records commanded empire after empire for 7000 years. Hence with control of memory, control the Finance-Media-Religion-Education-Military-Industrial-Legislative-Judicial-Complex with all of us at some submissive place in their hierarchy. Most of us, having been institutionally trained/indoctrinated since childhood have completely bought into this hierarchy. All of us are part of this cancerous system whether intentionally or unintentionally.


Our indigenous ancestors cultured widely distributed fractal empowerment within the RELATIONAL 'ECONOMY' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') of the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village). Intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale enabled a loving mutual-aid along with welcoming, inclusive economy for all who might join. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/relational-economy

70% of people today live in Multihomes worldwide with an average of 32 dwelling-units or ~100 people. 20% of Multihome-dwellers live intentionally in extended-family proximity, providing reciprocal essential goods & services & 'company' (L 'com' + 'pan' = 'bread'). Its within our multihomes that we are able to create Circular loving, sharing & caring Economies, where all can be included & welcomed.

'DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-?' is an indigenous modelled, web-based Community Economy software program to 1) CATALOGUE local talents, goods, services, resources & dreams, 2) MAP collaborative relationships, 3) ACCOUNT for transactions & contributions, 4) COMMUNICATE locally with record keeping, agreement/contract development, bridge building & conflict resolution among family, friends & neighbours. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/9-do-we-know-who-we-are

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Well alright. Abandoning utterly yesterdays' tired, dead-on-its' feet, power-mind cult mentality & clearly we find here amongst us everything we need to carry on without repeating ourselves. Thank you, Douglas Jack.

Where ideas/ruling tactics of modern "leaders" are regarded as inhumane & archaic (blood sacrifice, genocide, hey) in the minds of most of us, public flogging of past offenders is not going to be necessary. (not that it wouldn't be fun, or serve to provide symbolic break from the past)

Can we do it? Who knows? Only mass exodus from cult mentality stands a chance. Can't say I see it (yet). Like battered housewives who return again and again to abide their protector/tormentor, we obviously get some kind of twisted enjoyment out of our familiar love/hate/perpetual misery conditions.

All these police (some are women, of course) cracking heads out there, they have fathers & mothers, brothers & sisters, friends, & wives don't they? What if their wives stood up to them, condemned their actions & took the kids and walked out? What if their friends & family turned their backs on these guys? (not that this is so easy)

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Edgar Allen Poe, We don't have to overthrow them. Sitting atop our moribund dysfunctional institutions, these individuals are so despondent & spiritually impoverished, they are just waiting for our cultural leadership. The best recipe for decentralized pro-active empowerment is found within all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin self-generating') heritage. Please have a look at the 'Do-we-know-who-we-are-?' community-economy web-software, which provides people the sovereign tools & ability to animate & organize our individual & collective local ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. apartment, townhouse & village) economies. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/9-do-we-know-who-we-are

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! Okay, well....you sure had me going there, Douglas Jack-- then you said this:

"...these individuals are so despondent & spiritually impoverished, they are just waiting for our cultural leadership."

Good Lord. You appear to actually believe this. But of course you don't. Nobody does. Nice try.

And then:

"... collective local ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. apartment, townhouse & village) economies."

This is an adequate description of Lucifer's Hell, in my view.

"Do We Know Who We Are". Well then, here we are invited to let our guiding light, "Douglas Jack", answer this question for all of us lost, wandering souls

Sir, I am sorry but you have mistaken me (and many others here) for "individuals who are so despondent & spiritually impoverished they are just waiting for our cultural leadership."

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Edgar Allan Poe,

1) If you re-read my text, I am referring to the despondent oligarch & not the average citizen. Nothing is more boring in life, than privilege & empty consumerism disconnected from real shared livelihood. I was raised in this false privilege, so testify with some inside experience, not disconnected assumption or belief.

2) RE: Lucifer's Hell. The ~100 (50-150) person Multihome is where 70% of humanity live today. 20% of Multihome-Dwellers live by choice in neighbourhood proximity, typically in Multihomes, for intergenerational social & economic collaboration around such as child, elder & handicapped care. Rather than placing elder, young, handicapped family members, segregated to be 'served' by institutionalized shift-work professional interventions amounting to some 3000 changes-of-staff-shifts per year per 7-10 person residential unit, Multihome extended families provide loving reciprocal valorizing care worth a trillion dollars a year in N America. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/3-economic-memory

3) Do-we-know-who-we-are-? based on a local intranet model, provides the tools for extended-family folks (my own) to work as a core of economy within the larger community. This cataloguing, mapping, accounting & communication software draws on John McKnight (Northwestern U.) Asset-Based-Community-Development plus add Economy ABCDE Cataloguing work

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For many thousands of years now, bored, despondent oligarchs have been filling the painful void deep down inside with endless power game manoeverings, diabolical plans & devising increasingly efficient, sophisticated new ways of duping & blood-draining the masses. These miserable folks are kept quite busy with each other and spend absolutely zero time in contemplative inner reflection/discovery of what drives them. No rest for the wicked.

Sweet Jesus dude, this stuff reads like something straight off the WEF website. Reading that gave me a headache so quick I had to stop. Like I said at first, you HAD me going there Mr. Douglas Jack, Office of Pedantic Social Engineering Studies, Sales & Marketing Rep., Lucifer's Hell Inc.

Maybe find someone who doesn't see through your sales babble? Quit boring Charles' readers to death? Just kinda sad watching someone cling to a dead pitch. Smart salesmen know when their fish has slipped the hook. Over & out.

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Well said Dana. I too believe that political relationship is not the same as individual one and a discernment here is necessary (something I feel is missing from this particular essay).

Punishment can be banned from taking any political position again. It doesn’t have to be a trial and prison. It can be decisions that reshape our political systems in a way that doesn’t allow these form of abuse to repeat themselves. Otherwise what this article preaches for, in my view, is forgetfulness.

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I agree with you completely @DanaJumper.

The word punished is not resonating with me as much as "restoring balance." In the process of healing and restoring the balance its important for the scales to come back to equanimity. Although the shadow side of ourselves, me included, aligns with old ideas of public hangings or cutting their balls off, something along the lines of stripping them of their assets and power. There are so many examples of individuals who are deeply entrenched in their belief systems that they will go right back to the comfort zone of their dark self. In this case, many of the individuals who birthed the current situation, are stuck in the repeating cycle of greed, power and supremacy.

I agree this is something for us all to work on, to put love on it, and I am open to healing this wound from that place instead of anger and retribution. What an amazing opportunity for all of us!

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Feb 7, 2022
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I don't understand your point. Meditation is not something you can make someone do. Thus it isn't an alternative to laws or punishment for bad actors.

Or is the point that people who want to punish bad actors should meditate instead, and transcend the cares of the world?

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Civilization-Hoax.com & Trixie Little

RE: "Mediation is not something you can make someone do."

All humanity's 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ancestors worldwide employed Council Process at every level of society from interpersonal relations, family, extended-family, Multihome-Dwelling-Complex, Village, City, Region, Nation, Confederacy etc. Council Process involved enlisting a circle of witnesses who typically, knowing the litigants, would observe, record-in-their-minds & report to society at large or if private to those chosen. It was de rigueur that anyone at anytime could challenge the statement or actions of another person, for whom they were affected by.

I'm 69 years old now & I was personally raised with this requirement among my siblings or friends. When in battle one or other of our parents would intervene & require both parties to speak in sessions called 'Both-sides-now'. In addition our family of 8 would have formal dining room table debates where we were each given equal-time to discuss new, events & things we were affected by. Even at the young age of 3 years old, I can remember having my say, when my turn came up.

WITHOUT CENSORSHIP: One of the biggest applications today, would be the media & internet, whereby anyone can say whatever they want, but if challenged are required to enter into a Both-sided, equal-time, recorded & published dialogue. In this sense, publishing rights are universal but tied to the obligation to respond, if challenged.

DIALECTICS (Both-sided inquiry) are interesting how the human mind forms its knowledge, most often through contrasting & comparing multiple: figures, facts, perspectives, etc, so is very attracted to such as 'debate' (French 'de' = 'undo' + 'bate' = 'the-fight'). The most watched media events are debates. If we at the bottom of society wish to recapture the public-narrative & thereby public allegiance & collaboration, we will organize ourselves to dialogue among ourselves & all we engage with over the life issues we are involved in. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues

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What else was the Nüremberg trials.

A Public hanging?

The winners punishment of the losers?

Truman wasnt punished for the nuking of a quarter million Japanese.

Rosenberg just wrote books (antisemitic books, but still books).

What else?

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Loosers? You do know the difference between "lose" and "loose," do you not?

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There you go my pedantic freind

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I agree, Dana. Your reply is full of Wisdom. What Reiner Fuellmich is attempting to do through the ICC is necessary. We need to be able to believe that justice is possible. Love of Power can suck the Soul from someone and turn them into an irredeemable Monster. As in wise tribal earth-based systems, such beings were at the least banished from society.

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Banished, shunned, pushed off the ice, all used by our elders. I don't think that they were any less loving, spiritually and emotionally, than we; they were much more so. Still, they recognized the presence of evil and its immunity to love; these are socio/psychopaths we are facing that can not experience love or guilt, and not just in their emotions, but in its reality.

At the very least, exposed, which is what is so encouraging about Fuellmich's work. What of their ill-gotten gains? Surely, that plunder could be put to use for a much greater benefit.

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Feb 7, 2022
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Dont think we can withdraw money from the system (perhaps not the clearest wording).

Tumors might not be the right allegory when we're talking about humans, but in order to choose a different path you need to be in the position to choose the path, getting to that point is probably more difficult than finding the path once you are there.

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Feb 7, 2022
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And i think you worked with it well.

In order to make decisions of the kind we seem to be talking about you need to be in a position to make those decisions. How do you get there?

Rightful indignation and love didn't put our current leaders in power.

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Feb 7, 2022
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Yes, I've certainly been thrown off a few of those horses myself.

Just one correction, he did actually call for no punishment of those in power, not just no high handedness. That was the only point I was struggling with.

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Feb 7, 2022
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Yeah, I know what you mean, I can't really envision it either. No doubt Cosmic Justice awaits them, and I can be resolved to that.

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At the risk of dragging the elephant into the room - what if the guilty knew what they were unleashing upon humanity? Meaning, creating and then mandating injections that are good only for maiming and killing and which, in the best of cases, do nothing. If there was intent to harm... for me, premeditation changes everything.

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There’s evidence already emerging. I think of Fauci’s emails. If your read RFK jrs book, it’s all in there.

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If only there was some reliable way to determine malicious intent! For me as well, whether there was intent to harm is key to what form justice will take. It makes a difference if one is bumbling around in a sea of non-awareness, or deliberately causing harm. Yet, malicious intent is hard to know- how do we see into the soul of another?

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Every time Bill Gates talks about people dying, he smiles with Duper's Delight.

Malicious intent isn't always that tricky to spot.

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Plus he gives himself a cardigan-hug every time he talks about the pandemic. Then he alludes to the possibility of a more dangerous disease. That usually gets another self-hug. The guy is obviously evil.

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To Gates and Zuckerberg especially, we are all just 1's and 0's, software they can program, massage. That is why we need to get off Google (try Brave), get off Gmail (try Prontomail), off Windows10 and higher (spyware built in) and off of Android phones and tracking phones as well....gives them power.

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I agree with this. It's a Dark Elephant indeed, but essential to address. I'd really like to believe in the good in everyone. But with the level of control that's been instituted onto the populace...I look at the situation with Peng Shuai, and it's suddenly really hard to imagine a peaceful change in power will ever be possible. That situation might be the exact definition of submission.

Most of the time, intention is a hard thing to truly identify, but things like that seem crystal clear to me. It may not be possible to ever get to the bottom of this with many decision makers throughout covid, but for the obvious ones...this is who cancel culture should apply to. No more positions of power.

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Feb 7, 2022
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Buddha had a lot of strict rules for his monastics. They could be banished for violating some of them.

I think tough love is a real thing.

However, practically, i honestly don't see how any of this accountability will ever happen in the world as a whole. Rulers have never been accountable to their subjects except for in limited spurts. But karma is real. Psychopaths are going to hell. I send them metta and hope they can repent.

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This is a beautiful article. I'ld like to share it with my wife, if she would only let me back in the house. It's 5 below out here, for crying out loud! Honey, I've got my mask on!

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Love the sense of humor ;)

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I would like to offer a counter-point:

1 There is implicit "both-sides-ism" in what you say. The woman dumped the man and he took her back. That is big on the part of him. Can we let this be an unequal thing where some people have to be bigger to make it work? Then the true cost of reunion is more honestly displayed and it is not equally paid by all parties. What you are asking is: some be the bigger ones and make an unequal reunion possible on the incentive that that might reach these people who let's face it, are wrong at least about mandates.

2 From the standpoint of systemic constellation, it is important to vindicate yourself to a certain degree, when you feel damage has been done, in order to KEEP the relationship. You just retaliate less. This is retaliation with love and it makes it possible to move on from there with a clean tally. If one person gives too much, also forgives too much, they destroy the relationship. Also if they give too little or nothing at all.

3 Stopping entails for the government side of things to let go of mandates and political persecution of the unvaccinated. Will they, if they do not change their mind? Truth is unequally distributed in this one, so is violence.

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The owners of a house built on a fault line will eventually have to recon with the truth. A relationship that papers over its divisions is far weaker than one that rebuilds on a shared foundation of truth. Modern society has been ripped apart--by design. There will have to be an accounting, if there is going to be any lasting reconciliation.

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The issue has nothing to do with Covid per se but rather serious issues of control which is now running rampant. The same folks arguing with their family and friends are the same ones out in society telling everyone else how they should live as well. Just as you've no right telling anyone what religion to practice or follow you've no right imposing your medical opinions on them either. For years I have joked about this - imagine going into someone's house and demanding how they live? Oh wait isn't that what Government is currently doing?

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Charles, your article came really timely. We had the biggest argument with very good friends about the Freedom Convoy in here in Canada. While we justified the convoy and are actually grateful that so many people protest against these mandates and the violation of the Charter of Rights our friends condomned them violently, saying they are organized by right-wingers, Trump supporters and Nazies. They are obviously infused with all the propaganda by PM Trudeau and the MSM. This was a very painful experience for us, because we know that this view is shared by the majority of not only Canadians. When I thought it over, I was questioning if I really want to continue with this friendship. But then, after reading your article this morning I decided to put my value for this friendship higher than my anger, disappointment and concern. So thank you for your help!

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This American is happy to see that the flame of liberty is not extinct in Canadian hearts and minds (and trucks :).

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Friends is a broad term.

Many people think of a friend as someone you trust. Someone you feel safe with.

Clearly, you don't trust these "friends" and they don't trust you. No safety.

In that sense you are not really friends.

OTOH, there is a lesser level of friendship, in the sense of wanting the best for someone even if they can't see that you do.

I forget who said to keep your enemies closer than your friends, but it is practical advice. Otherwise we have dangerous echo chambers.

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Why does that make me smile!

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In all fairness I should reread your article before offering my own thoughts.

From the beginning of this insanity division has been fueled and can easily be stepped into. Reactivity has been amped up to an extreme.

At the end of the day we will need to help each other heal, physically and emotionally. I hear those with the knowledge speaking to this, which I am heartened by.

I believe those who have purposefully committed genocide need to be held accountable. Held accountable in a way that can do some good. I see this as a transfer of wealth.

And I would ask, what is love?

I would suggest any feeling is love.

In this moment anger is appropriate and needed. Anger tells us where our boundaries lay. What is okay and what is not. None of this is okay.

Anger as love.

Clear boundary setting.

A clear no.

Not laying blame with those who have been manipulated but with those who have done the manipulating.

We need to be clear and strong and not reactive.

To learn to be integrated and stand in our integrity.

Whatever the perceived cost.

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How familiar are you with the Nuremberg trials? One of the defenses was, “I was just following orders.” It was found insufficient to justify what doctors and nurses and others did. They were found guilty and punished.

I believe that should be considered for modern times as well. Someone may not have masterminded these atrocities but they also didn’t stop them. They are accomplices in crimes against all humanity.

So for every doctor or nurse or health provider that ignored the dangers or pushed the vaccines or failed to treat someone with a vaccine injury, as is the case with my son snd tens of thousands like him, I want justice.

Lose their license to practice medicine.

Jail those in administrative positions who profited financially.

Take the profits and assets from organizations and individuals who participated, at any level, small or large, passive or active.

I can think of any number of responses that need to be considered and justices meted out, from individuals to corporations to government officials.

We need Nuremberg 2.0. What that looks like will differ from the original tribunal, but we as humanity need this reckoning.

And then we rebuild.

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I am assuming you are referring to my saying "Not laying blame with those who have been manipulated but with those who have done the manipulating."

To clarifying I am referring to those who, out of trust, have opted to get a shot. Or who believe something that is not true. Not those who are blindly, or not blindly, following orders. Yes they might be manipulated but they are causing harm.

There is a quote from an artist, Bansky that speaks to this, "The greatest crimes in the world are not committed by people breaking the rules but by people following the rules. It's people who follow orders that drop bombs and massacre villages."

I believe if people stand in their integrity, no matter the cost to themselves, we would not be here, in this present day horror show.

I am sorry you and your son have been caught in the middle of this. I have spoken to others as well who elected the 'vaccine' and thought better of it after. Either because of injury or 'side effects' or becoming aware of other information.

What has happened, is happening, is monstrous, criminal...

People should be held accountable absolutely. Your pain, heartache, anger, need to be heard, given voice. Never be silent.

Personally my only way to deal with the medical system is to turn away from it completely. Many call it a system of disease not health.

There are doctors who are doing the work of helping those who have been harmed by these shots. I believe many others will join their forces. I am happy to pass on names and links if you want or need them.

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Feb 7, 2022
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Thank you!

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Let me propose that if your beliefs or convictions matter more to you than people—if they require you to act as though you were a worse person than you are—you may have lost perspective.

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We've fallen for the "scapegoat" mechanism for eons. Christ [according to Rene Girard] came to do away with this human proclivity to blame another for the woes of the masses.

A potentially new world awaits us around the bend.

Forgiveness is the most powerful tool in our toolboxes.

It also is a healing salve.

Good word there Charles!

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If we do not punish those who have done "wrong" Charles . . . does that not invite others to also do wrong, without the risk of accountability?

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I agree. Responsibility entails accountability. One of the problems in our time is that no politician in power is held accountable for his wrong-doings. On the long run it destroys a society, which can be witnessed in many western democracies.

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There must be consequences for our actions. We teach our children this. Why should they get away with it?

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Are accountability and punishment the same? In my mind I view punishment at hurting someone or making them suffer because their actions hurt me or caused me to suffer. But nothing is truly gained from it - just "an eye for an eye". Accountability would be for someone to own their wrongdoing (unlikely, in this case) and make steps to repair the damage as best as can be done as, in this case, it can't truly be undone.

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The concept of restitution strikes me as applicable. Making it right again, or as close to right as possible.

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Feudalism is the way to go!

The ruler serves the ruled.

The ruler has total accountability and the power to match. Misuse = off with his head.

The ruled have little accountability because they rule over none but also the power to match - almost none.

Ruler with a standing army makes this dynamic tricky.

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Thanks Charles for your concealing words, looking always for union of humanity, for truth and love. Yes, to focus our attention on the points that connect us with each other, and not on the facts that separate us, seems to be the most appropriate way to proceed in this extraordinary times.

For that, I believe we should keep always in mind the bigger picture of these times. The humanity is approaching the new state of awareness, the spiritual state, where everything would be different. This would the state of union. We are one, one humanity, one single being, one nature, one ocean of awareness.

When we have differences with our family members and close friends, the separation is affecting our relations. At that moment, keeping in mind this bigger picture, and trying to give preference to the love, would be like giving our support for the new world of union.

Unfortunately, for the union to materialize, both parties needs to take this approach. Sometimes however we may try to show our love and compassion to others, we may get the opposite from them. That is the reason for all the conflicts. Without two cannot be war, but also without two cannot be peace.

Never forget that our role needs to be manifested in our actions in this world, as well as in the spiritual world. Everything to help this transition to the union of humanity in the new world.

In the present state of evolution, we need to act in both directions, giving all our energy to fight for the truth, but always keeping in mind the spiritual world where we are one. In this sense, an spiritual war may be needed, which in fact is happening nowadays. Of course, that war could be consider as a separation, but if we fight it with the master line of our awareness in that we are one, we could act just as an instrument of the whole. We are just instruments. Only that single being which is the union of all is doing this play of war. Then, we could play our role in fullness, doing whatever is necessary to help the new state of evolution to be established.

If the other party take the right decision or not, is not in our hands. But there is magic in this play, as if we keep the master line of the oneness, even fighting the war we would create union instead of separation. The main thing is understanding what is moving our actions. Is it the separation or union..

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Jose, this line you wrote comes close to hitting the nail on the head, for me: "In the present state of evolution, we need to act in both directions, giving all our energy to fight for the truth, but always keeping in mind the spiritual world where we are one."

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We are not one. This is a mistaken view which Buddha warned against.

But everything is interdependent to different degrees.

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What does justice look like, divorced from punishment? What does accountability look like, disentangled from rewards and penalties? What does apology look like, distinct from submission? These are the questions that must come alive if we are to regroup the human family.

The Most Important Words I Have Ever Read concerning This Madness. Most Especially the Justice Without Punishment...


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Thankyou Charles. Justice without punishment is a concept I spend a lot of time nurturing and circling, and I so value you speaking of it. True justice is found in healing; true healing is making whole again.

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Probably the outcome was more mundane. The lady came to the realization that divorce would make her life worse, and his better. So she assumed if she sticks it out, he'll succumb to covid or his angst and she'll get everything. Maybe a bit more nuanced, but I'd bet I'm close.

The numerous divisions like this story are frustrating so many people that those on both sides will try to make sure it doesn't happen again. Whether we believe the oppressor was the virus or the response, society is going to change dramatically.

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Majority and minority play harmonic roles. This is a triadic system, it is not only dual. The paradox of love exists in two dissonant triads that embrace each other with two pairs of contradictions, thus causing inversion. I am talking about music. The harmonic system is fractal and complex. It happens in the 4th dimension and deals with proportions of time and space.

If the minority is down to one, the outcome is either dissonance, or worse, if it disappears the majority gets stuck in an endless loop. It can no longer perform the inversion of paradoxes that drive harmonic development. The result is stagnation and cognitive decline into dualism. This is a matter of cognition and the dimension of time coordinates.

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Love this. A more beautiful world our hearts know is possible!

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