Are accountability and punishment the same? In my mind I view punishment at hurting someone or making them suffer because their actions hurt me or caused me to suffer. But nothing is truly gained from it - just "an eye for an eye". Accountability would be for someone to own their wrongdoing (unlikely, in this case) and make steps to r…
Are accountability and punishment the same? In my mind I view punishment at hurting someone or making them suffer because their actions hurt me or caused me to suffer. But nothing is truly gained from it - just "an eye for an eye". Accountability would be for someone to own their wrongdoing (unlikely, in this case) and make steps to repair the damage as best as can be done as, in this case, it can't truly be undone.
Are accountability and punishment the same? In my mind I view punishment at hurting someone or making them suffer because their actions hurt me or caused me to suffer. But nothing is truly gained from it - just "an eye for an eye". Accountability would be for someone to own their wrongdoing (unlikely, in this case) and make steps to repair the damage as best as can be done as, in this case, it can't truly be undone.
The concept of restitution strikes me as applicable. Making it right again, or as close to right as possible.