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I agree with you completely @DanaJumper.

The word punished is not resonating with me as much as "restoring balance." In the process of healing and restoring the balance its important for the scales to come back to equanimity. Although the shadow side of ourselves, me included, aligns with old ideas of public hangings or cutting their balls off, something along the lines of stripping them of their assets and power. There are so many examples of individuals who are deeply entrenched in their belief systems that they will go right back to the comfort zone of their dark self. In this case, many of the individuals who birthed the current situation, are stuck in the repeating cycle of greed, power and supremacy.

I agree this is something for us all to work on, to put love on it, and I am open to healing this wound from that place instead of anger and retribution. What an amazing opportunity for all of us!

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Feb 7, 2022
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I don't understand your point. Meditation is not something you can make someone do. Thus it isn't an alternative to laws or punishment for bad actors.

Or is the point that people who want to punish bad actors should meditate instead, and transcend the cares of the world?

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Civilization-Hoax.com & Trixie Little

RE: "Mediation is not something you can make someone do."

All humanity's 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ancestors worldwide employed Council Process at every level of society from interpersonal relations, family, extended-family, Multihome-Dwelling-Complex, Village, City, Region, Nation, Confederacy etc. Council Process involved enlisting a circle of witnesses who typically, knowing the litigants, would observe, record-in-their-minds & report to society at large or if private to those chosen. It was de rigueur that anyone at anytime could challenge the statement or actions of another person, for whom they were affected by.

I'm 69 years old now & I was personally raised with this requirement among my siblings or friends. When in battle one or other of our parents would intervene & require both parties to speak in sessions called 'Both-sides-now'. In addition our family of 8 would have formal dining room table debates where we were each given equal-time to discuss new, events & things we were affected by. Even at the young age of 3 years old, I can remember having my say, when my turn came up.

WITHOUT CENSORSHIP: One of the biggest applications today, would be the media & internet, whereby anyone can say whatever they want, but if challenged are required to enter into a Both-sided, equal-time, recorded & published dialogue. In this sense, publishing rights are universal but tied to the obligation to respond, if challenged.

DIALECTICS (Both-sided inquiry) are interesting how the human mind forms its knowledge, most often through contrasting & comparing multiple: figures, facts, perspectives, etc, so is very attracted to such as 'debate' (French 'de' = 'undo' + 'bate' = 'the-fight'). The most watched media events are debates. If we at the bottom of society wish to recapture the public-narrative & thereby public allegiance & collaboration, we will organize ourselves to dialogue among ourselves & all we engage with over the life issues we are involved in. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues

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