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RECOGNIZING & TRANSFORMING THE GAME: Yes we have a collective cancer, but also the ability to heal as a whole organism. Individual "Power-madness" within colonial institutions is common to all of us, as an addiction to our fake system of 'oligarch' false 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory'). Consumption is an addictive response to false empty 'value' & submissive status in the oligarch hierarchy. Most haven't taken the time to research how today's fake money is issued under the control of multinational 'oligarchs' ('oli' = 'few' + 'archy' = 'rule') who have minority but controlling interest within the US-Federal-Reserve, Bank-of-England (City-of-London) & Bank-of-International-Settlements. These few oligarch trillionaire individuals have by all records commanded empire after empire for 7000 years. Hence with control of memory, control the Finance-Media-Religion-Education-Military-Industrial-Legislative-Judicial-Complex with all of us at some submissive place in their hierarchy. Most of us, having been institutionally trained/indoctrinated since childhood have completely bought into this hierarchy. All of us are part of this cancerous system whether intentionally or unintentionally.


Our indigenous ancestors cultured widely distributed fractal empowerment within the RELATIONAL 'ECONOMY' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') of the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village). Intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale enabled a loving mutual-aid along with welcoming, inclusive economy for all who might join. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/relational-economy

70% of people today live in Multihomes worldwide with an average of 32 dwelling-units or ~100 people. 20% of Multihome-dwellers live intentionally in extended-family proximity, providing reciprocal essential goods & services & 'company' (L 'com' + 'pan' = 'bread'). Its within our multihomes that we are able to create Circular loving, sharing & caring Economies, where all can be included & welcomed.

'DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-?' is an indigenous modelled, web-based Community Economy software program to 1) CATALOGUE local talents, goods, services, resources & dreams, 2) MAP collaborative relationships, 3) ACCOUNT for transactions & contributions, 4) COMMUNICATE locally with record keeping, agreement/contract development, bridge building & conflict resolution among family, friends & neighbours. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/9-do-we-know-who-we-are

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Well alright. Abandoning utterly yesterdays' tired, dead-on-its' feet, power-mind cult mentality & clearly we find here amongst us everything we need to carry on without repeating ourselves. Thank you, Douglas Jack.

Where ideas/ruling tactics of modern "leaders" are regarded as inhumane & archaic (blood sacrifice, genocide, hey) in the minds of most of us, public flogging of past offenders is not going to be necessary. (not that it wouldn't be fun, or serve to provide symbolic break from the past)

Can we do it? Who knows? Only mass exodus from cult mentality stands a chance. Can't say I see it (yet). Like battered housewives who return again and again to abide their protector/tormentor, we obviously get some kind of twisted enjoyment out of our familiar love/hate/perpetual misery conditions.

All these police (some are women, of course) cracking heads out there, they have fathers & mothers, brothers & sisters, friends, & wives don't they? What if their wives stood up to them, condemned their actions & took the kids and walked out? What if their friends & family turned their backs on these guys? (not that this is so easy)

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Edgar Allen Poe, We don't have to overthrow them. Sitting atop our moribund dysfunctional institutions, these individuals are so despondent & spiritually impoverished, they are just waiting for our cultural leadership. The best recipe for decentralized pro-active empowerment is found within all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin self-generating') heritage. Please have a look at the 'Do-we-know-who-we-are-?' community-economy web-software, which provides people the sovereign tools & ability to animate & organize our individual & collective local ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. apartment, townhouse & village) economies. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/9-do-we-know-who-we-are

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! Okay, well....you sure had me going there, Douglas Jack-- then you said this:

"...these individuals are so despondent & spiritually impoverished, they are just waiting for our cultural leadership."

Good Lord. You appear to actually believe this. But of course you don't. Nobody does. Nice try.

And then:

"... collective local ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. apartment, townhouse & village) economies."

This is an adequate description of Lucifer's Hell, in my view.

"Do We Know Who We Are". Well then, here we are invited to let our guiding light, "Douglas Jack", answer this question for all of us lost, wandering souls

Sir, I am sorry but you have mistaken me (and many others here) for "individuals who are so despondent & spiritually impoverished they are just waiting for our cultural leadership."

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Edgar Allan Poe,

1) If you re-read my text, I am referring to the despondent oligarch & not the average citizen. Nothing is more boring in life, than privilege & empty consumerism disconnected from real shared livelihood. I was raised in this false privilege, so testify with some inside experience, not disconnected assumption or belief.

2) RE: Lucifer's Hell. The ~100 (50-150) person Multihome is where 70% of humanity live today. 20% of Multihome-Dwellers live by choice in neighbourhood proximity, typically in Multihomes, for intergenerational social & economic collaboration around such as child, elder & handicapped care. Rather than placing elder, young, handicapped family members, segregated to be 'served' by institutionalized shift-work professional interventions amounting to some 3000 changes-of-staff-shifts per year per 7-10 person residential unit, Multihome extended families provide loving reciprocal valorizing care worth a trillion dollars a year in N America. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/3-economic-memory

3) Do-we-know-who-we-are-? based on a local intranet model, provides the tools for extended-family folks (my own) to work as a core of economy within the larger community. This cataloguing, mapping, accounting & communication software draws on John McKnight (Northwestern U.) Asset-Based-Community-Development plus add Economy ABCDE Cataloguing work

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For many thousands of years now, bored, despondent oligarchs have been filling the painful void deep down inside with endless power game manoeverings, diabolical plans & devising increasingly efficient, sophisticated new ways of duping & blood-draining the masses. These miserable folks are kept quite busy with each other and spend absolutely zero time in contemplative inner reflection/discovery of what drives them. No rest for the wicked.

Sweet Jesus dude, this stuff reads like something straight off the WEF website. Reading that gave me a headache so quick I had to stop. Like I said at first, you HAD me going there Mr. Douglas Jack, Office of Pedantic Social Engineering Studies, Sales & Marketing Rep., Lucifer's Hell Inc.

Maybe find someone who doesn't see through your sales babble? Quit boring Charles' readers to death? Just kinda sad watching someone cling to a dead pitch. Smart salesmen know when their fish has slipped the hook. Over & out.

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Edgar Allen Poe, From reading your many 10s of 1000s of poetic sufferances, negative-words, protests, put-downs etc on this & many other of your Eisenstein substack posts, who pays your complainers salary? What do you DO, which contributes proactively, positively & creatively to better the world? Most people here on this Reunion thread, would like to make a positive doing difference in their lives & relationships. Where's yours?

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Okay well, I guess with that you draw me back out then--

"What do you DO, which contributes proactively, positively & creatively to better the world?"

I bitch-slap people like you.

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The main question is 'Who pays your complainer's salary?'

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