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I think Charles forgot to include the most important principle of all for a true anti-establishment pro-humanity candidate and that is TRANSPARENCY - to commit to NOT meet with our ruling class billionaire abusers in private and secrecy, to commit to having all one's meetings (and all other politicians meetings) to being public, open to public scrutiny. This way we could stop once and for all being deceived by the Qanon/MAGA narrative (that presents pro-billionaire mass-murderer trump as an "anti-establishment candidate who came becasue he loves the people and wants to help the little guy fight the deep state"), this way we could all see out in the open what a pro-billionaire pro-empire pro-ruling class pro-Wall St pro-M.I.C pro-war pro-genocide pro-NeoCon Zionist pro-Big Pharma pro-Big Agri pro-Big Food actually is their criminal ConMan trump!!!

Let me say it as clearly as possible for the people at the back: HARRIS IS A RIGHT-WING PRO-BILLIONAIRE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RULING CLASS ; TRUMP IS A RIGHT-WING PRO-BILLIONAIRE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RULING CLASS (not to mention that he is also profoundly psychologically-undeveloped, emotionally-stunted, infantile & narcissist with a relational maturity level of a 4 year old, but that's the least of his crimes. Details about mass-murderer Godless trump's crimes against humanity and whose narrow interests he works to promote coming up in a moment).

I love you Charles, but IMHO you are doing a huge disservice to humanity by repeating the Qanon/MAGA mythology and presenting trump as "anti-elite rebel who is here to help the little guy fight the establishment". Nothing could be more farther from the truth, as his ACTUAL actions show (not the Qanon/MAGA narrative surrounding hom and his actions, but his ACTUAL actions). I confess, it is extremely sad to see someone as astute as you being so strongly influenced and taken by your political in-group associations...

Mass-murderer anti-life God-ignorant ConMan Trump was already president once, remember? Need I remind us that he and his Zionist PR team of deceivers already sold us the exact same deceptive Qanon/MAGA narrative they are selling us now (as if he is an anti-elite-rebel man-of-the-people who came to fight the deep state for the little guy), and need i remind us that once elected he promptly spat in the face of all the gullible unintelligent propagandized people who believed him and his Zionist team of deceivers, and proceeded to fill up his administration to the brim with deep-state NeoCon swamp creatures from Goldman Sachs, BlackRock, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Eric Prince's BlackWater merceneries, and the rest of Wall St and the war profiteering industry filled up to the brim every single position in his administration of anti-life deep state billionaire shark predators. In addition, he handed foreign policy over to deep state NeoCon zionist operatives in the form of compulsive-liar CIA director Pompeo, Chabad devotee and Mossad representitive Kushner, ultra-zionist mass-murderer Bolton, NeoCon zionist lunatic ("starve them to death") Abrams etc. etc. Besides them, the State Dept. was literally full of and run by NeoCon israelis during trump's presidency, america's global forigen policy was literally run by israeli supremacists during trump's presidency!!

What on earth makes any of us think that he will act any differently this time? Because the Mossad-created Qanon/MAGA narrative says so? (echoed by large portions of the so-called 'alternative conservative media' ecosystem)

All ConMan trump did during his presidency was transfer trillions to his buddies the ultra-wealthy war profiteers and Big Pharma corporate-capitalists for example in his 5.9 trillion dollar corona giveaway to Big Pharma corporate capitalists and to his ultra-wealthy Wall St billionaire pals, our abusers and predators, and for example in his annual gigantic military spending - spending which SKYROCKETED under trump - to give away trillions and trillions of our money to his anti-life war profiteering buddies); filled his admin to the brim with deep-state swamp creatures, gave tax breaks to the ultra-rich and made sure the most wealthy (the anti-life heart-divorced deep state billionaire abusers who brought him to power) became much wealthier while everyone else stagnated or impoverished; Trump EXPANDED the mass-murdering billionaires' global militarized corporate-capitalist empire (of nearly 900 military bases encircling the entire globe, dozens of warships colonizing every sea on the planet, and at least 13 extra-judicial torture camps where kidnapped human beings are held in captivity for years without trial and tortured by brainwashed conservatives because.."patriotism" and "god" and "jesus" and "christian moral values") with his RECORD HIGH military spending to enrich his war profiteering capitalist billionaire pals; Created a welfare state for billionaires (with his government's coercive force used to lavish his right-wing billionaire scum with public funding, funneling trillions of our money to his backers the conservative war profiteers, who of course privatize the profits and give nothing back to the public that funds them) and crumbs for the rest of us..

As one "small" example for trump's crimes against humanity (out of numerous such examples), trump also initiated, armed and funded (used our money to fund) a coup in Bolivia so that his billionaire pal Elon Musk can steal the world's largest reserves of lithium from Bolivia for his "green"-electric car company (which is at the forefront of the climate capitalists' "4th industrial revolution" and "great reset"). Musk literally sat at the table with trump and pompeo and said "we will coup whoever we want, we're in charge now, deal with it". That is how sure are musk and trump that their propagandized dumb deceived followers will follow them blindly and obediently no matter what crimes they commit against humanity (trump literally bragged that he can shoot someone on the street in broad daylight and his hypnotized deceived conservatives followers will still worship him..)

I hope you are aware Charles that your ideas can (and likely will) be used cynically and deceptively, as feel good slogans (like unity and rise above division) by the most murderous pro-ruling class tribalistic anti-wholism anti-egalitarian hierarchical God-ignorant political manipulators (like trump and his PR team of deceivers) who act in POLAR OPPOSITE ways to the slogans that they'll borrow from you in order to deceive and gain support from the people..

Seems to me that the basic assumption (from which you are writing this piece Charles) would have been true in 2016 when many (propagandized) americans really believed that trump is exceptionally evil and dnc are the benevolent force for good. Hardly anyome belives this anymore but exactly the opposite is the case now, by far most (propagandized) americans now believe the opposite fairytale, that the dnc is the establishmemt force of evil and that trump is an "anti-establishment rebel".

Both these fairytales are profoundly false.

One doesn't have to buy into the stupid CNN/WashPost deceptive propaganda machine (that presents trump as exceptionally and caricaturishly evil) in order to see from his actions that he is actually a common run-of-the-mill murderous american president, by the ruling class for the ruling class, just as pro-billionaire pro-empire and criminal as the ones before and after him. No worse but definitely no better than the life-destroying right-wing american presidents before and after him. BOTH the CNN/NYTimes fairytales AND the Qanon/MAGA failrytales about him are false. His actions clearly show that he's not exceptionally evil nor exceptionally righteous, just a normal anti-life right-wing american president who is here to enrich the ultra-rich, to cement the global control of the american billionaire's militarized empire over the planet and to ensure that our desire for change is hijacked and neutralized and doesn't amount to any real change, which are precisely the things he did as president..

Trump is horrible NOT becasue of what the corporate-capitalist manipulators on CNN/MSNBC/WashPost say about him but precisely because he is like every other pro-billionaire life-destroying mass-murdering right-wing american president (conservative or liberal)

Both trumpism and anti-trumpism are fake decoy revolutions. See https://www.caitlinjohnst.one/p/both-trumpism-and-anti-trumpism-are?

One other small thing, if I may - you seem to have bought into the Qanon/MAGA mythology that trump is "anti-NeoCons", but that doesn't make any sense to say when you acknowledge (as you do) that he is fully wholly and completely in support of the supremacist nazi NeoCons that run the Israeli govt and their genocidal imperialist project of dispossesion and anninilation of the local people, and their imperialist policy of eternal religious division, hostility and war. THE NEOCONS ARE ISRAEL. It makes no sense to acknowledge that trump is fully in support of the genocidal supremacist zionist colonial project and then say he dislikes the NeoCons. Trump's administration was FULL TO THE BRIM with warmongering bloodthirsty zionist NeoCons during his presidency. He literally handed the state Dept. over to NeoCon Israelis. Israelis were literally running his State Dept! He literally made Israelis in charge of american global policy!! And you can be sure that he'll attack Iran and China for them soon after he and his NeoCon Israeli billionaire pals enter the white house. It makes no sense whatsoever to say he is "anti NeoCons". It is a common Qanon/MAGA slogan that has no basis in reality.

Plenty more I wanted to point out regarding trump's crimes against the people and who are the adrenochrome-drinking billionaire abusers that brought him to power before and are doing it again now, but the space for a comment here is finished..

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you may be so right in much of what you say...however there is always a place for what the American Indians might call your 'good enemy' - there will be learning and growth however it goes. What I'm appreciating right now is the mix-match/mish-mash/mash-up of all sorts of people - a much needed change away from the black/white, good/bad, evil/virtuous duality which is showing itself so extremely in the world scene. It may seem incongruous but we have no idea what effect the rubbing off of so many different energies may have - it could be combustive, healing, growthful, disastrous - but it is change and it does hold all sorts of potentials. We need breakthrough on every level...change doesn't always look right or nice

- and none of this is intended to disparage anything you say...just another thought to ponder...

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Also: there is fascism. And it's not good. So.

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very well said

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Actually, not clear she is as pro-billionaire as you say. What about the unrealized capital gains tax? Biden's FTC chair? I'd argue this.

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This is the writers dilemma. One cannot possibly cover every single large or nuanced issue in every writing. There will always be issues that are left off of the table in relationship to the availability of time and space. It's bothersome not to be able to address it all, but hopefully the reader will take in and simmer with what has been laid on the table. Suggestions to cover future issues is always beneficial.

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WOW! You have said in comments on a previous post that you have love. Apart from one little phrase where you claim to love Charles (then immediately append a "but"), this entire diatribe suggests you are filled with such...hate? Is that too strong a word? Try vitriol...you are filled with such vitriol that you can't contain it. It's burning you up.

Recognise your shadow.

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Thank you though i am not sure i understand. My comment has detailed a few of trump's crimes against life and humanity as president (and I barely scratched the surface in detailing his crimes in that comment, i had to stop short because of space limitations). Are you saying that showing certain people that the billionaires' fairytale propaganda deception they were led to believe in (as if trump is an "anti-elite rebel" who arrived on the scene becasue he really really loves the non-wealthy and all religions equally and wants to help us fight the elite), are you saying that showing that this billionaires' propaganda is profoundly false and completely disproved by the facts of what he ACTUALLY did as president, are you saying that showing that and exposing the biliionaires' deception is "hate"?

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Nope. Pointing out facts, propaganda or deception is not showing hate. The way in which we do so can.

If you’re saying all you are doing is pointing out facts and propaganda, then the deception is yours. And if you believe that’s all you’re doing, then you are deceiving yourself.

Only you know what is in your heart regarding Trump. Whatever it is, you are trying to convey that through your comments. Each of us will interpret what you say in our own way. I was searching for a descriptor, came up with hate. As I said, hate may have been too strong a word. That’s why I changed it to vitriol.

The language you use is polarizing. This is very common. It’s worth noting that those who wish to control us want polarization and division. While we’re fighting each other, we’re not paying attention to them.

I have two suggestions for you. Do with them what you will.

Firstly, ask yourself if you think the inflammatory language you use is the best way to convince or convert someone who might have different, even opposing views about Trump? (Newton’s 3rd law, and all that)

You have said that Harris is just as bad, but you spend little time on what she says or does.

So secondly, ask yourself why you focus on Trump? As Jessica Luxmoore says, both modern and ancient texts urge us to know ourselves.

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Thank you. The reason that on this substack account (charles’ account) I focus more on the profound life-destroying criminality of pro-empire pro-Genocide pro-Wall St mass-murderer WarMonger trump (or more accurately, the criminality of the DeepState billionaires who brought this grade-B ACTOR to the white house, by creating the manipulative Qanon/MAGA deception that sells to well-intentioned but gullible and misinformed people the false story that he is an “anti-elite rebel” when he is in fact THE POLAR OPPOSITE of that, as his actual actions during his presidency show), the reason I focus more on that here rather than on Harris’ criminality, is because I am writing this on a substack account that is promoting him for presidency (charles literally works for rfk who tells people nonstop 24/7 to vote for trump). When I am dealing with deceived Harris supporters then in those environments I show them in full (just like I did here for trump) the criminality of their candidate and how the DNC is largely a right-wing capitalist organization, by the billiionaire ruling class for the billonaire ruling class.

In my interactions with some deceived die-hard liberals (who actually believe the zionist pro-billionaire propgandists on CNN/MSNBC/WashPost/NYTimes) they constantly call me a trump supporter because i show them what a pro-billionaire right-wing capitalist poison their candidate is and the DNC is.

So i find it profoundly ironic that you seem to accuse me of pro-Harris bias while they accuse me of pro-trump bias.. it’s hilarious really.

But it’s totally understandable that this is how people think (that whoever shows the poison of their chosen candidate and how they’ve been deceived by the billionaires’ propaganda - that portrays their candidate as the one to save us from the elite - that that critical person must therefore be supportive of the empire’s other candidate/puppet).

It is understandable when one is cognizant of how the capitalist NeoCon billionaire ruling class have divided americans (and much of the west) almost evenly into two haves, enclose each half in their own sectarian echo-chamber where we’re bombarded with false narratives to make us hate the other half and pit us against the other half, and then provide a FALSE MESSIAH candidate for each half, a false messiah who pretends to be the one who will save that half from the evil of the other half, when IN REALITY what happens is that support for EITHER of the empire’s two warmongering candidates (the pro-billionaire pro-Genocide pro-empire pro-Wall St right wing conservative capitalist or the pro-billionaire pro-Genocide pro-Wall St right wing liberal capitalist) leads to the EXACT SAME PLACE - the hierarchical domination of the few over the many; the funneling of the wealth we create upwards to enrich the ultra-rich (which allows them to completely dominate the political process and the flow of information on the planet); The financing and arming of a mass-murdering global capitalist militarized empire of greed plunder domination mass-murder torture abuse brutality trauma and control (again, to enrich the ultra-rich and ensure their global domination ove the llanet’s resources and the squashing of anything that deviates from the profit-over-people american economic model); Treating the have-nots lile dirt and squeezimg as much as possible out of us; Hijacking and neutralizing our intense desire for change and funneling it right back into the empire’s duopoly by encouraging us to express our anti-elite sentiment through a FAKE POPULIST and a FALSE MESSIAH who promotes the ruling class interests and makes sure that no real change will happen and that the billionaires’ domination isn’t threatened (which are precisely the things he did as president. Exactly like the FALSE MESSIAH Obama did before him).


How can I be any clearer than this? I mean, just look at my handle name!! Please just look at the first three notes/posts shared on my page and you’ll hopefully understand where i am coming from. I really don’t know how can I be any more clear than that..

I speak more about warmongerer trump in the comment section of Charles’ substack becasue it seems that many readers on this substack account have fallen for the Qanon/MAGA deception and have been funnelled into voting for trump (as rfk jr tells them nonstop to do). That's why i focus on that in the comment section of this specific substack account. When i speak to deceived Harris supporters I show them the poison of their candidate in exactly the same way.

However, unlike trump supporters, most liberals seem to know that their candidate is pretty bad and just view her as the lesser of two evils. Most liberals are not very enthusiastic about her, they just reluctantly support her becasue they think trump is even worse (they’re wrong, they’re both equally right-wing capitalist poison, equally pro-billionaire pro-Genocide pro-NeoCon Zionists pro-Wall St pro Big-Pharma pro Big Oil pro the war profiteering industry and equally working to ensure the domination of the capitalist billionaire ruling class over the planet). However, this lack of enthusiam and seeing that one’s candidate is pretty bad is not the case with most trump supporters, from what i see, becasue most trump supporters are much less critical of their candidate/messiah and do actually fall hook line and sinker for the Qanon/MAGA deception and do truly believe that he is an “anti-elite rebel who is here to free the little guy from the deepstate” and are therefore much more devoted to him as their candidate (than liberals are to harris).

That’s another reason why there is a much greater need to focus on dispelling the trump deception and showing people the actual facts of who this ConMan actor actually is and what he works for, because many more people (especially on this substack and in the conservative echo-chamber) have fallen for the trump deception than the other way around (hardly anyone among harris supporters has the same grand delusions about harris, in the way that there are massive delusions about trump among his supporters).

Of course the billionaoire’s empire has a whole host of other deceptions for the liberal half of the population, but most people here on this substack account have already seen through this. When i speak with die-hard liberals who actually fully believe the mainstream corporate narrative (and there aren’t that many of these anymore) then i focus on dispelling with them the myths that the ruling class has ready for their echo-chamber. But this isn’t the crowd on this substack account and that is why i am not focusing on these deceptions (intended for harris supporters) on this substack account but more on the trump deception, which is many many orders of magnitude more dominant and prevalent in these circles here

Of course it is not ultimately about either trump or harris, they’te both grade-b ACTORS doing the bidding of the capitalist billionaire ruling class and creating (along with the liberal and conservative medias) the desired division of the 99% into two halves who are pitted against each other and emotionally invested in the two puppets provided for us by the ruling class so that we don’t notice that they both work for the same people, the same Godless capitalist billionaire ruling class and their global militarized empire who are tightening the noose around our neck, while we are busy cheering for (or terrified by) the FALSE MESSIAHS they provide for us..

I hope this answers your question as for why i focus more on trunp’s criminality in this specific environment (and as I hope is clear by now that I am absolutely NOT a harris supporter. Not in a million years. She's just as terrible as ConMan WarMonger trump, as I've said over and over and over again)

As for the language I used to describe the humanity-dividing WarMonger trump and his DeepState billionaire abusive scum who brought him to power, I’ll consider your words of caution, though in my view, being kind to the billionaire abusers murderers oppresors (and the puppet candidates they provide for us) who do everything in their power to deceive, control, murder and enslave humanity (to ensure their domination over us) is not really top priority right now, in my view, and in fact can be counter-productive and a form of suppression of (jutified) anger at our abusers. If anything, i think the language i use to describe these criminal ruling class oppressors is pretty tame. I think they deserve all the scorn and contempt and anger that we can muster, just like the anger directed at any malicious rapist or child abuser, because the ruling class are much much worse than these.

Yes, there is room for compassion for the abusers, yes definitely, but only AFTER they have been removed from power and ceased abusing. We’re still very far from that stage, we first need to remove the abusers from power, and in order to accomplish that task, i don’t think that suppression of anger and policing of language is very helpful, becasue it can deplete us of the energy required to stand up to abuse, to stand up to a global empire of controlling violent HIERARCHICAL anti-egalitatian narcissists who view us as inferior and not as worthy as they are.

Wanted to add another small side note but space is finished here, so I will do that in the comment below this one. Please see below.

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To xxx, this is part two of the reply above.

That’s not the main point, but just wanted to add a small side note, that in my view, besides his numerous murderous crimes against life, ConMan ACTOR trump also has another distinctive harmful personal feature (which wasn’t present in previous false messiahs) which is that besides all the profound harm that his policies have done, trump’s personality is also injured and immature in the extreme. Profoundly psychologically-undeveloped, infantile and narcissist, with an emotional maturity level of a 4 year old (among numerous other examples, just look at the sham abusive loveless “marriages” he has with the trophy wives that he constantly buys off of the playboy catalogue, and replaces with another trophy wife when they get too wrinkled). We’re dealing here with not only a bully, buffoon and ConMan ACTOR who has been deeply immersed in organized crime networks his enitire life (i can give sources for that if you’re interested) and who is sold to conservatives as what he is not, but we are also dealing with the absolute lowest level of human psychological development. THE LOWEST OF THE LOW. a profoundly wounded man-boy who views relationships and human beings as buy and sell transactions, who has been abused from a very young age (as was his brother, who took to drinking because of the severe abuse they experienced by their father in childhood), and who probabaly never experienced a single moment of true love his entire life. He’s the kind of wounded abusive immature loveless narcissist jerk who shouldn’t be allowed to run the neighborhood post office in Duluth Minnesota, let alone be put in charge of the biggest and most powerful militarized empire in the history of mankind..

If I came across someone identical to trump in a social event, that's the kind of person I would stay as far away from as possible, because he's not just an immature jerk, but an extremely dangerous abusive narcessist psychologically-wounded jerk who has no qualms about using others and causing harm to human beings to benefit himself and his image.

If the NeoCon zionist billionaires didn’t bring him to prominance, didn’t pick this grade-b actor to be the horse on which they ride into the white house (by constructing the Qanon/MAGA deception around him and selling him to well-intentioned but gullible and deceived conservatives as ‘anti-elite rebel’), if it wasn’t for that, ConMan trump would still be doing what he was doing before he was picked to be their horse, he would still be banging prostitues in vegas (and occasionally raping underage girls), would still be buying trophy wives off of the playboy catalogue, and he would still be begging billionaires to bail him out after he has driven his bussinesses to bankrupcy (which he did several times) and squanders the enormous wealth he was given at birth.

Again, that’s not the main point here, but besides all of his criminal life-destroying pro-billionaire pro-Genocide WarMongerin humanity-dividinh policies, i’d be amiss if i didn’t also mention what kind of wounded infantile undeveloped immature jerk we are dealing with here

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I made two suggestions and said, “do with them what you will.”

You have chosen to ignore my first suggestion and seem to have misinterpreted my second one. (Yes, you’ll consider my words of caution, then discount them. You’ve done with it as you will, as I invited.)

You have explained why you focus on Trump rather than Harris in Charles’ account. But my second suggestion was to know yourself. My fault for the misinterpretation. I was the one who spoke about Harris. Your handle had not gone un-noticed.

Earlier, I had suggested you recognize your Shadow. Same thing, phrased differently.

Speaking metaphorically, you get dumped on by your boss at work, so you come home and kick the cat. Or you stub your toe on the leg of a chair, so you punch the wall.

Why do people do that? I don’t know. I’m not a psychologist. Maybe because it makes them feel less powerless? An outlet for anger?

You speak in your reply about profound irony. Charles’ essay you are commenting on is titled “Trump and the Tempests of Hate.” That’s you he’s writing about. You are part of the tempest of hate. There’s some irony for you.

I think you are - to borrow your term – well-intentioned. But the way you express your passion renders you ineffectual.

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Thank you. A few things:

1. Repeating again and again that i'm hateful without giving any example or explanation doesn't make it so. Show me where i am hateful.

2. Anger is not hate. Even rage is not hate. Discontent is not hate. Using strong language is not hate. Telling people the facts that their echo-chamber hides from them regarding their mass-murdering warmongering false messiah is not hate (for example how trump personally ordered the murder abuse and traumatizing of tens of thousands of himan beings when he uses our tax dollars to bomb, invade, intimidate, threaten, occupy, and brutalize human beings across the globe in order enforce the brutal domination of his billionaire pals across the planet, in order to plunder and steal oil and other resources, to enrich his ruling class billiionare buddies, with complete disregard to the profound devastation, trauma and suffeing that this infantile scumbag causes. and that's just one small example out of the numerous abuses and crimes that this psychologocally-undeveloped Godless narcissist murderer unleashed on humanity. Yes, i am very angry and strongly discontented. I am not hateful. There is a vast vast difference between the two.

3. You seem to derive great pleasure from policing the words and emotions of others and telling me what expression is allowed and what isn't, and trying to suppress another's (justified) anger. Perhaps it's time you looked at your own shadow Mr or Ms. anger-repressor... What are you so terrified of that you immediately label any expression of anger and discontent as "hate" and try to shut it down?

4. Your metaphor regarding being abused by the boss and taking it out on others is misguided and misleading, IMHO. I am taking it out on the abuser, not on anyone else. Trump and harris are part and parcel of the hierarchical anti-egalitarian capitalist ruling class that dominates and abuses the 99%. Yes, it's true that they are only actors and frontmen, but the ruling class won't be able to do what they do without the deception of the front men, and as such, the frontmen that the ruling class sends out to deceive us and hijack our desire for change, deserve our full ire, contempt and anger. That is not hatred. That is a very healthy human reaction to abuse, IMHO.

5. I didn't ignore anything in your comment and any suggestion you made. I have taken what you said into account, reflected on it and i don't agree with your statements. I explained above why i don't.

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3. Not policing.

Not telling you what’s allowed. You have – and should have – the right to express yourself the way you have. Never suggested otherwise.

Not trying to suppress your anger. I don’t think suppressing anger is a healthy thing to do.

I often look at my own shadow. I didn’t used to realise I had one. We all have one.


5. OK. You’re free to disagree and I’m fine with that. I won’t argue with you.

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Qanon? I don't think any serious dissident trusts Qanon. That's more something that the left uses as an insult. I know it's a real thing, and some people may still be like, "trust the plan!", and looking at whatever Q is, but, MAHA is Not Qanon.

It's something used to discredit anyone not on the left.

It's not about Trump himself as much as the people around him, some who are only there because the Dem side is so corrupt, pharma captured, about mandates and censorship.

This is MAHA ~ https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/sen-johnson-roundtable-american-health-and-nutrition-a-second-opinion/

Thorough, clear, knowledgeable, wise. The opposite of the vague "trust the plan" sounding Qanon ...

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Thank you again Ellen. I hear your and fully understand your concern. Two things. First of all, Qanon was clearly not the focus of my comment, so before anything else I would humbly and respectfully invite you to read slowly and in earnest (meaning, without ideological filters that paint and distort perception) what was ACTUALLY pointed out in my comment. I respectfully request that we please NOT shift the focus of my comment to a minor side issue in order to avoid dealing with the main points of my comment.

Having said that, I am willing to oblige you and explain this minor side point, I only ask that we remember that this is NOT the main point of my comment, so please don't use my willingness to engage with you on this minor point as a way to shift the focus away from what my comment is all about.

Okay, so if that is understood then I'll be happy to oblige and let us explore this minor point together. The reason i mentioned the mossad-created Qanon deception (which - in the usual zionist mode of operation of lies deceptions and emotional-manipulations to get their guy into the white house - sells to uninformed people the manipulative fairytale according to which trump arrived on the scene to save the little guy from the DeepState and fight the elite), the reason i mentioned it (in passing, NOT as the main point of my comment) is because this is the fairytale that every MAGA follower that I've ever interacted with claims to believe in, whether they call it Qanon or not, the story that his devout followers gave to me for why support him is the same as this Qanon fairytale, whether they call it Qanon or not.

I agree that it is a false and profoundly deceptive story, but unfortunately every MAGA devotee that I've ever interacted with believes in it.

You might not like the name Qanon, you can drop that name if you prefer, the name doesn't matter at all; what matters is the gist of the deceptive Qanon marketing ploy (that says that trump arrived in order to help the little guy against the elite) this gist is what every MAGA follower I've met actually believes in - whether they call it Qanon or not - and that is the manipulative story that this pro-billionaire pro-M.I.C pro-NeoCon pro-empire mass-murdering infantile narcissist creep and his DeepState zionist billionaire tyrants are riding on, all the way to the white house...

This is the fairytale that every MAGA follower i've interacted with believes in, despite the OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE that contradicts this fairytale, which I detailed in my original comment and with additional details in my reply to Glenn below (please do read those, if you still haven't) and I have a lot more evidence to give, if interested, besides what was already detailed. When i ask people why they support this pro-billionaire pro-Genocide pro-Wall St pro-M.I.C pro-NeoCon pro-Big Pharma Capitalists pro-tribalist (religious/nationalist) division of humanity, pro-neo nazi zionist supremacists torturers thieves child-abusers, pro-the global capitalist murder machine to ensure the enrichment domination of the few over the many, to enrich theii hierarchical poistion at the top of rje pyramid over humanity; pro- the removal of all worker protections to allow his right wing billionaire predator pals to abuse and squeeze out as much as they possibly can from workers and the poor for their own enrichment; pro the filling of our food, water, air and soil with toxins (the removal of regulations that put a limit on how much his tyrant billionaire pals can pollute, for the easy profit of his billionaire buddies and for the devastation of life on earth)

when i ask why they suppprt this psychologocally-undeveloped, tribalist hate pushing, emotionally-stunted, infantile bully narcissist with a relational maturity level of a 4 year old (who buys trophy wives off of the playboy catalogue, and has a sham abusive loveless "marriage" with them until they get wrinkled and are replaced with the next bought trophy wife.. a very very sick and wounded heart-divorced man who seem to have never experienced a single moment of real love in his entire life and who urgently needs help, healing and compassion), when i ask his believers why they support this wounded infantile undeveloped narcissist objectifying creep and his pathetic collection of trophy "wives", then this story (the Qanon deception, whether it is named Qanon or not) is literally the number one reason that his followers have told me for why they support this scumbag.

Without this deception and marketing ploy (created by God-ignorant right-wing supremacist zionist-conservative billionaire tyrants, arms dealers and war profiteeres to get their b-level hollywood ACTOR into the white house) without this marketinv ploy, trump simply wouldn't be here, without this massive deception to present this ConMan as what he is not, trump would still be spending all his time banging prostitues in vegas (and occasionally raping underage girls), buying trophy "wives" off of playboy catalogue, covering his toilet seats in gold in his mansions and begging for bailout from his billionaire backers whenever this creepy buffoon drove his business into bankruptcy (which he did several times) and squanders the enormous wealth given to him at birth.

This manipulative Qanon fairytale, that says that this infantile creep arrived on the scene because he wants to fight the deepstate for the little guy, is by far the most common response that i get from MAGA devotees to explain their support for this Godless mass-murderer infantile psychologically-undeveloped deeply-corrupt moron and his the global right-wing billionaire's murder machine (to ensure these tyrant criminals' elevation over us and domination over humanity and the planet's resources (detailed in my original comment and my reply to Glenn).

And as a quick side note, just to clarify and avoid misunderstanding, when i write "right wing" i am referreing to not just one but to BOTH wings of the global corporate-capitalist hierarchical (and militarized) billionaires' empire, i'm referring to both its GOP wing and its DNC wing. Yes, I know that one wing (DNC) has been DECEPTIVELY labelled 'the left' by the capitalist empire's propagandists on cnn/msnbc/fox/WashPost/NYTimes etc (even though the left has been erased from existence a long time ago already - its erasure and replacement started around the mid seventies as the ruling class' backlash against the peace uprisings of the sixties that very nearly toppled from power the capitalist billionaires' global war and domination machine and scared the hell out of oir abusove ruling class. The left's erasure and replacement was a done deal already by the mid eighties, definitely by the time that puppet clinton was introduced, the left was already thoroughly replaced by the right-wing capitalist scum in the dnc who do everything in their power to destroy the left, and ensure the enrichment domination of billionaire corporate-capitalists over the planet, and yet ironically these same right-wing dnc imperialists are deceptively labelled 'the left' by the empire's propagandists on cnn/msnbc/fox etc in order to create the appearance as if americans still have a choice between left and right and not realize that we are actually living in a one-party state, the one big corporate-capitalist war party (with its two wings alternating every few years to give the illusion of choice and change between two distinct options, when IN REALITY bothctje GOP puppet and tje DNC puppet in tje white house continue 99% of tje policies of their predecessor from the other party - just like biden continued 99% of trump's policies and trump continued 99% of obama's policies who vontinued 99% of bush's policies etc etc. The only thing that changes is the STORIES sold to the public about the puppet president, the policies are nearly identical regardless of which puppet is in tne white house, trump, obama, biden, bush.. the policies always remain the nearly identical, to promote the domination interests of the globe-spanning corporate-capitalist american empire and its global murder machine, to ensure thw domination of the few ultra-rich over tje many). In my reply to Jerry I elaborated how the empire keeps this racket going, and how it provides FLASE MESSIAH every few years who are dressed as "anti-elite rebel" (like obama or trump) to hijack our intense desire for change, funnel our anger and rebelling impulse into their fake-change ConMan and thus ensure that no change happens and the empire continues with its global abuse to ensure the enrichment and domination of the ultra-rich over the many (see trump's presidency for example)

A similar process has happened in UK and Germany and much of europe, by the way. Where Labour or SPÖ etc are very clearly right-wing capitalist warmongering parties, by the billionaire corporate-capitalists for the billionaire corporate-capitalists, and yet are deceptively labelled as 'the left' in the capitalist billionaire's propaganda and disinformation media (it's nice isn't it? When you get to own both parties and also get to own the media that tells the people that you don't own both parties and that they have real agency and choice..).. anyway, this is a vast subject in its own right that can easily fill up a whole book if i'd start going into it here, but right now i just wanted to make a quick side note here just to clarify the words used.. :-)

And one more quick clarification of definitions, when i write 'capitalist' and the capitalist domination of government and of humanity, i'm refering to the original meaning of that word, as detailed for example here by one of the world's most brilliant economists: https://www.pdrboston.org/capitalism

Space finished here, so please see continued in the reply below this one

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Part2 (continued from above)

The trump deception (which can also be called the conservative GREAT INVERSION or FLASE AWAKENING) is yet another example of how the ruling class capitalist tyrants stay ahead of the curve (to make sure that real change doesn't happen and that their power over society isn't threatened) by providing us with a vision of "hope and change" to cheer for, to make sure that our desire for real change (and the possibility of unseating them from power over us) is NEUTRALIZED and doesn't amount to any real change.

This do this by anticipating our anger and demand for change, hijacking it and funneling it right back into the empire's duopoly, by providing us with FALSE MESSIAHS to rally behind, false messiahs who keep the status quo in place, who cement the hierarchical anti-egalitarian class nature of society - the domination of the few ultra-rich over the many (all while telling us that we're 'fighting the elite' by cheering for their billionaire FALSE MESSIAH and that this is the way to change things, by rallying behind their marketing ploy, their FALSE MESSIAH. They tell us that that this the way to bring about "the energy of love", that "this is what awakening looks like".

There are just no limits to the level of cynical deception that the billionaire tyrants in power are capable of. People just find it hard to grasp that the fascist billionaires in power - especially clever&cunning zionist billionaires - have NO QUALMS WHATSORVER about lying and deceiving to get their way, and will use absolutely any narrative whatsoever - including the narrative of love and awakening - to make sure that our change impulse is HIJACKED, neutralized and funnelled into their provided narrative that teaches us (through their paid narrative managers and social media influencers) that change will come through their FALSE MESSIAH they provide for us to funnel our change-energy into, a false messiah who IN REALITY maintains the hierarchical domination of the few ultra-rich over the many and EXPANDS their global capitalist militarized empire of greed, mass-murder, control, bullying, theft, and economic-military domination (all actions that Godless anti-life ConMan ACTOR trump did during his presidency)

The billionaire capitalists and their global militarized empire don't care if you cheer for their democrat false messiah (like obama) or their republican false messiah (like trump) as long as you cheer for one of them, as long as your rebellious change energy is HIJACKED and funneled into one of the two options the empire gives you (who both lead to the exact same place, the same hierarchical anti-egalitarian domination of the few billionaire capitalists over the many)

The billionaire capitalists don't care how you arrive into the empire's fold, if it's through the GOP route or the DNC route, as long as you actually believe the hollywood script that their professional actor FALSE MESSIAH is here to bring "change and hope" and 'make america great again' and help us "fight the elite", as long they can hijack and funnel your desire for change into him..

To learn a little more about the way the right-wing capitalist billionaires play this trick on americans, I highly recommend these pieces (with full citacions)


And here https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/the-billionaire-class-is-no-more

And here


Lastly, you mentioned only dems being captured by big pharma (and i agree that they are, but not only them), so i wanted to share with you an interesting thread i saw a few days ago:

Ron Unz (of the Unz Report') researched the available evidence for more than a year and wrote extensively, with a vast amount of documentation, about how covid 19 was an attack by US conservatives (and zionists) on primarily China and secondarily Iran.

It is all documented in his free e-book here https://www.unz.com/ebook/covid-catastrophe-ebook/

A few brief points (in no way representitive of the vast amount of facts he documented. The ebook is invaluable)

Over the decades US "national security" apparatus has spent over $100 billion to create the world’s largest biowarfare capability, which american capitalists and conservatives viewed as one of the greatest weapons they have to disrupt and destroy the economies of "the enemy".

In 2017 trump brings into his administration the rabid warhawk, Big Pharma executive and NeoConservative Robert Kadlec, who had been America’s leading leading advocate for conducting biowarfare on china since the early 2000s (this is in addition to other Deep State NeoCons extreme biowarfare warhawk lunatics which trump filled his administration with and put in positions of enormous power. See ebook for details)

In 2018 and 2019 "mysterious" viral epidemics devastate China’s poultry and pork industries, causing SEVERE damage to China’s food supply, which is strangely enough EXACTLY as NeoConservative Robert Kadlec had advocated for more than a decade that US should do (only difference is that from 2017 onwards this short-sighted psychopath was actually given by trump the power to implement his hate-filled sectarian conservative ideation)

From January to August 2019 Kadlec initiates and runs the Federal&State “Crimson Contagion” exercise in which US government officials practice their strategies of responss in the case of infection by a hypothetical dangerous respiratory corona virus that "suddenly might appear in China".. (that is the actual wording used to justify the exercise)

Late October 2019, 300 American military men visit Wuhan to participate in the "World Military Games"

Late October 2019, right after the games, Patient Zero in Wuhan becomes infected with Covid (this has been calculated in hindsight). The virus spreads invisibly until the Chinese government discovers its presence near the end of December.

A secret November 2019 DIA report described a “potentially cataclysmic” disease outbreak in Wuhan (confirmed by four intelligence sources to ABC News), long before the Chinese even knew about the existence of the virus.

Israeli TV confirms that the Israeli military received that US intelligence report, which had been produced “in the second week of November”. Again, long before the Chinese even knew about the existence of the virus in China, the conservatives & zionists in US and Israel already knew all about it..

Early January 2020, at the orders of the NeoCon Zionists who completely dominate his administration, Trump assassinates general Soleimani, Iran’s top military leader (equivalent to assansinating the american head of the joint chief of staff) while he was on his way to consultations in Iraq on the fight against ISIS (a western proxy organized, funded and armed by the US -Israel).

Mid January 2020, the virus affecting China suddenly jumps 3,500 miles across multiple untouched countries to the Holy City of Qom, Iran, infecting Iran’s top political elites, with a large number of them dying as a consequence. By February, Iran has become the second global epicenter of the Covid outbreak.. Unz shows that the same NeoCons who trump appointed to his admin who demanded that trump assasinate Soleimani, are from the same NeoCon think-tanks who also were responsible for the virus biological attack on Iran a few weeks after the assassination.

Early March 2020, Iran's Gov't publicly accuses US of launching a biowarfare attack with Covid against Iran & China, including a formal complaint to the UN. Virtually no Western media reports those accusations, a complete media blackout in the west on this story, so almost no westerners are aware of those accusations and of the formal complaints put forth

See for example here:


And here https://www.unz.com/runz/the-covid-bioweapon-made-in-the-usa-aimed-at-china/

And here https://geopoliticsandempire.com/2022/02/03/ron-unz-covid-19-bioweapon/

And here https://www.unz.com/announcement/breaking-the-silence-on-the-origins-of-covid-19/

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what do you know to be true?

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I'm not sure I understand your question. I wrote in my comment exactly what I know to be true. Did you read the comment? I know there is a lot of information there, and I understand that this is especially new information for those who fell into the trap of the Qanon/MAGA deception (which sells to well-intentiomed but uninformed and gullible people the story that says that trump (the anti-life mass-murdering pro-billionaire pro-Wall St pro-M.I.C pro-Big Pharma pro-genocide pro-NeoCon pro-War profiteering industry ConMan, who is a representative of the ruling class billionaire abusers and of their global militarized empire of greed, domination, murder, theft and control) paints this pro-empire pro domination of tje few over the many narcissist abusive billionaire ConMan scumbag as if he is an anti-elite rebel who came to help the little guy fight the deep state.

And in my comment I gave mountains of evidence and full details and explanations that show as clearly as possible who this pro-billionaire anti-life DeepState murderer actually is (not exceptionally evil nor exceptionally righteous but just your usual pro-billionaire pro-empire mass-murdring right-wing american president who, like all right wing presidents before and after him (liberal or conservative) , is here to implement the anti-life tenets of hierarchical anti-egalitarian Godless right-wing capitalist ideology - to enrich-the ultra-rich, to ensure the domination of the few (his billionaire backers) over the many, to cement the control of the global right-wing capitalist american militarized billionaires' empire over the planet's resources and over humanity, to ensure their dollar's supremacy, and finally (by pretending to be anti-elite when he's anything but that) to ensure that our intense desire for change is hijacked, is funnelled into a FALSE MESSIAH, is neutralized and doesn't amount to any real change (which is precisely the things he did during his presidency, as I showed in my comment above.

And in fact, in that comment I barely scratched the surface on his crimes against the people, I had plenty more details to give besides what I wrote there, but I had to stop short because of the limits on the space available for a comment).

In my comment I also showed the profound falsity of the claim that says that the anti-life right-wing global militarized murder machine of ConMan trump and his backers the deep state billionaire abusers & predators, is a good choice simply becasue of how awful and right-wing and pro-billionaires the DNC are.. (which is pretty much what most of those who were tricked by the mossad-created Qanon/MAGA deception have been taught to believe.. that becasie the dnc are awful then that meams trump is good )

So I highly recommend reading my comment above slowly and attentively to take in all the unfamiliar information and perspective, becasue this is NOT the usual DNC-or-GOP perspective that you'll hear in the dumbed-down and heavily propagandinzed american political discourse (which says that if the dnc are awful right-wing pro-capitalist billionaires then that must mean that the anti-life Godless right-wing billionaire thieves and mass-murderers of the greedy infantile anti-egaitarian DeepState trump must be the solution then).

This is NOT this kind of deceived blindness that thinks that one of the two puppets of the life-destroying global capitalist american billionaires' empire (the biggest hierarchical anti-egalitarian warmongering greedy bullying murderous evil that exists on this planet) is a good option..

They're both absolutely the WORST option that is possible for life on earth, they're both completely right-wing pro billionaires and pro-the billionakres' global capitalist empire, and they're both are here to do what every right-wing american president (liberal or conservative) has always done, which is also exactly what trump did during his presodency - enriching the ultra-rich, cementing the domination of american capitalist billionaores over the planet's resources and (in the case of trump or obama) give us a FALSE MESSIAH who will hijack and neutralized our desite for change (by funnellng it into support for a FALSE MESSIAH) and make sure that the domination of the few ultra-rich over the many isn't threatened.

The trick that the right-wing capitalist billionaire ruling class play on americans, is that every few years they give you a FALSE MESSIAH (like obama or trump) who pretends to be the one who will unseat the evil elite (presented as the other party of course) and help the little guy. Both these ConMen are here to make sure that our intemse desire for change is hijacked and doesn't amount to any real change.

This is how the empire keep alternating americans between one or the other of its two parties (the liberal half or the conservatove half of the one big corporate capoitalist party that rules america and much of the planet), keep americans believing that they can achieve chamge and freedom from the abuse and domination of the few ultra-rich over the many by choosing one or the other of the two options that the billionaire's empire (and their media) allow us to choose between. This is how americans have been played for decades and decades and we still keep falling for the billionaore's deceptions (and be very emotionally invested in tne false messiah they present to us as an "anti-elite rebel") again and again and again, we never seem to learn..

If interested, you can learn more about how they play this trick on us in the following insightful and brilliant posts (which include full citations of sources)


And here https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/the-billionaire-class-is-no-more

And here


And here


To learn even more at depth about the M.I.C war-profiteering ruling class oligarch deep-state networks that brought trump into power (of Wall St conservative billionaire military contractors, of mass-murderering right-wing arms dealers, of silicon valley surveillance capitalists, of pedophile blackmail networks run by supremacist zionist tribalists (far more than just their epstein operation), and of ultra-wealthy God-ignorant evangelical religious fundamentalists) then please see


and here https://www.exposetheenemy.com/trump-war-the-pentagon-and-the-conservativeestablishment

and here https://web.archive.org/web/20190720130650/https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/11/tomdispatch-trump-military-foreign-affairs/

and here https://odysee.com/@ExposeTheEnemy:b/america-first-from-wall-street-to-the:a?lid=95a34b649ac72026c32466c45591322426c77cf1

and here https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9e/c5/93/9ec59307f55ea5fabf59dbbdd7abb43a.png

And regarding ConMan vance, here's a full breakdown of who this deceiver actually is and who are the deep state adrenochrome-drinking billionaire scumbag abusers (the enemies of the humanity) that are fully funding vance (as well as trump), and brought him to this position.

Please don't miss this research essay. https://miri.substack.com/p/america-the-movie-screenplay-by-jd?

And especially here https://unlimitedhangout.com/2024/07/investigative-reports/the-man-behind-trumps-vp-pick-its-worse-than-you-think/

And here


And here https://youtu.be/sGySygy0LWs?si=n6u28vsLzazo_gdS

And regarding what alternative is there to the billionaire's anti-life right-wing capitalist empire and its two puppets (the domination of the few ultra-rich over the many, whether led by a liberal or a conservative puppet) here are a couple of example of what can actually be done (first why and then how)




And https://www.pdrboston.org/let-s-get-organized

And https://www.pdrboston.org/egalitarianism

And https://www.pdrboston.org/mr-billionaire See what a debate with Mr. Right-Wing Capitalist Billionaire (conservative or liberal) looks like

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