Thank you: for the depth of your reflection, and for pointing us to the place beneath, between, around, above and beyond "us and them."

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Thank you for this dear Charles. One question - you wrote "my work has been mostly on the level of narrative, to alter the basic myths that run civilization in the background: the discrete and separate self, the human/nature divide, the separation of matter and spirit, the cult of quantity, the illusion of progress, the story of money, the primacy of force-based causality". I'd really like to understand how do you envision accomplishing this work under pro-billionaire mass-murderer pro-M.I.C pro-Wall St pro-Genocide hierarchical infantile narcissict trump who constantly pushes and thrives on Othering, US vs THEM mentality, de-humanizing & religious-tribalist hatred (the LOWEST LEVEL of human development, whose every single action as president stands in stark contrast to your vision)? trump who transferred during his presidency trillions upon triliions of our money to his 1% billionaire pals (for example in his 5.9 trillion dollar corona giveaway to Big Pharma capitalists and to his ultra-wealthy Wall St billionaires, our abusers and predators, and for example in his annual gigantic military spending - spending which SKYROCKETED under trump - to give away trillions of our money to his war-profiteering anti-life zionist-conservative pals).

Mass-murderer anti-life God-ignorant ConMan Trump was already president once, remember? Need I remind us that he and his Zionist PR team of deceivers already sold us the exact same deceptive Qanon/MAGA narrative they are selling us now (as if he's an anti-elite-rebel man-of-the-people who came to fight the deep state for the little guy), and need i remind us that once in the white house he promptly spat in the face of all the gullible unintelligent propagandized people who believed him and his PR team of deceivers, and proceeded to fill up his administration to the brim with deep-state swamp creatures from Goldman Sachs, BlackRock, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Eric Prince's BlackWater merceneries, JP Morgan and the rest of Wall St and the war profiteering industry filled up to the brim every single position in his cabinet of anti-life deep-state billionaire shark predators. In addition, he handed over half his admin to deep-state NeoCon zionist operatives in the form of compulsive-liar CIA chief Pompeo, Chabad devotee and Mossad man Kushner, ultra-zionist mass-murderer Bolton, NeoCon zionist lunatic ("starve them to death") Abrams etc. etc. Besides them, the State Dept. was literally full of and run by NeoCon israelis during trump's presidency, america's global policy was literally run by israeli supremacists during trump's presidency!!

What on earth makes any of us think that he will act any differently this time? Because the Mossad-created Qanon/MAGA narrative says so? (echoed by large portions of the so-called 'alternative conservative media')

All ConMan trump did during his presidency was transfer trillions to his buddies the ultra-wealthy war profiteers and Big Pharma capitalists, filled his admin to the brim with deep-state swamp creatures, gave tax breaks to the ultra-rich and made sure the most wealthy (the anti-life heart-divorced deep state billionaire abusers who brought him to power) became much wealthier while everyone else stagnated or impoverished; trump EXPANDED the mass-murdering billionaires' global militarized capitalist empire (of nearly 900 military bases encircling the entire globe, dozens of warships colonizing every sea on the planet, and at least 13 extra-judicial torture camps where kidnapped human beings are held in captivity for years without trial and tortured by hypnotized conservatives because.."patriotism" and "god" and "jesus" and "christian moral values") with his RECORD HIGH military spending to enrich his war-profiteering capitalist billionaire pals; Created a welfare state for billionaires (with his government's coercive force used to lavish his right-wing billionaire scum with public funding, funneling trillions of our money to his zionist-conservative billionaire backers, who of course privatize the profits and give nothing back to the public that funds them) and crumbs for the rest of us..

As one "small" example for trump's crimes against humanity (out of numerous such examples), trump also initiated, armed and funded (used our money to fund) a coup in Bolivia so that his billionaire pal elon musk can steal the world's largest reserves of lithium from Bolivia for his "green"-electric car company (which is at the forefront of the climate capitalists' "4th industrial revolution" and "great reset"). Musk literally sat at the table with trump and pompeo and said "we will coup whoever we want, we're in charge now, deal with it". That's how sure are musk and trump that their propagandized dumb deceived followers will worship them as "anti-elite rebels" no matter what they do (trump literally bragged that he can shoot someone on the street in broad daylight and his hypnotized deceived conservative followers will still worship him..)

I hope you are aware Charles that your ideas can (and likely will) be used cynically and deceptively, as feel good slogans (like unity and rise above division) by the most murderous pro-ruling class tribalistic anti-wholism anti-egalitarian hierarchical God-ignorant political manipulators (like trump and his PR team of deceivers) who act in POLAR OPPOSITE ways to the slogans that they'll borrow from you in order to deceive and gain support from the people..

Seems to me that one of the basic assumptions from which this piece was written would have been true in 2016 when many (propagandized) americans really believed that trump is exceptionally evil and dnc are the benevolent force for good. Hardly anyome belives this anymore but exactly the opposite is the case now, by far most (propagandized) americans now believe the opposite fairytale, that the dnc is the establishmemt force of evil and that trump is an "anti-establishment rebel"

Both these fairytales are profoundly false.

One doesn't have to buy into the stupid CNN/WashPost deceptive propaganda machine (that presents trump as exceptionally and caricaturishly evil) in order to see from his actions that he is actually a common run-of-the-mill murderous american president, by the ruling class for the ruling class, just as pro-billionaire pro-empire and criminal as the ones before and after him. No worse but definitely no better than the life-destroying american presidents before and after him. BOTH the CNN/NYTimes fairytales AND the Qanon/MAGA failrytales about him are false. His actions clearly show that he's not exceptionally evil nor exceptionally righteous, just a normal anti-life right-wing american president who is here to enrich the ultra-rich, to cement the global control of the american billionaire's militarized empire over the planet and to ensure that our desire for change is hijacked and neutralized and doesn't amount to any real change, which are precisely the things he did as president..

Trump is horrible NOT becasue of what the corporate-capitalist manipulators on CNN/MSNBC/WashPost say about him but precisely because he is like every other pro-billionaire life-destroying mass-murdering right-wing american president (conservative or liberal)

Both trumpism and anti-trumpism are fake decoy revolutions. See https://www.caitlinjohnst.one/p/both-trumpism-and-anti-trumpism-are?

PS. As a side note, Twitter is absolutely NOT a "free speech platform" as was claimed in passing here. The levels of censorship, deplatforming, shadow banning and visibility filtering on twitter are much much higher now than it has ever been, but you wouldn't know it if you never said a critical word on the neo-nazi zionist billionaires and their annihilation and genocidal religious-supremacist colonial project in west Asia (all the censorship and banning and crackdown done under the guise of the fascist zionist billionaire's cynical and fake "fighting antisemitism" banner, which is now the greatest weapon in the hands of tyrants to crackdown on dissent and free speech. And I'm Jewish by the way..)

PPS. It also doesn't make sense to say that rfk and trump are "anti NeoCons" when they are fully in support of the supremacist nazi NeoCons that run the Israeli govt and their genocidal imperialist project of dispossesion and anninilation of the local people and eternal religious division, hostility and war. THE NEOCONS ARE ISRAEL. It makes no sense to say they are fully in support of the genocidal supremacist zionist colonial project and then say they dislike the NeoCons. No sense at all. Trump's administration was FULL TO THE BRIM with warmongering bloodthirsty zionist NeoCons during his presidency. He literally handed the state Dept. over to NeoCon Israelis. They were literally running his State Dept and in charge of american global policy!! And you can be sure that he'll attack Iran and China for them soon after he and his DeepState Israeli billionaire pals enter the white house. It makes no sense whatsoever to say he is "anti NeoCons". It is a common Qanon/MAGA slogan that has no basis in reality.

PPPS. Leonara in the reply below seems to think that one needs to be "realistic" and make a compromise and choose one of the two puppets that the billionaire empire gives us to choose from and that there's no other alternative. So here's a sane rational very practical alternative to the billionaire empire's plutocracy (the domination of the few ultra rich over the many). Here are a couple of example of what actually can be done (first why and then how) and why funneling people to mass-murderer pro-billionaire trump is not the solution



And https://www.pdrboston.org/let-s-get-organized

And https://www.pdrboston.org/egalitarianism

And https://www.pdrboston.org/mr-billionaire See what a true debate with Mr. Billionaire looks like

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LOL - sounds like you need to be on a different planet, one with no human beings who are dealing ongoingly with the given contradictions and complexities of being human.

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There is a place in us all that only wants peace, and the wellbeing of our families, this the world over. We need to be and relate from there.

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You are talking about non-psychopaths, Peggy. Psychopaths do not have such a place. And psychopaths now dominate our institutions, political parties, etc.

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Leonara, two things. First regarding the content and second regarding the energy of your reply

1. Regarding the content, I would like to understand your reply and what relation does it have to my comment. I took the time to contemplate it and to try to find what in my comment you might be referring to, but in all honesty I couldn't. Could you please be a little less vague and a little more clear and point out where exactly in my comment was I denying, ignoring or preventing "dealing ongoingly with the given contradictions and complexities of being human"?

Where was I doing anything even remotely of this nature?

Your comment is very short on details (or more accurately, has no details or explanation at all), it comes across as extremely vague, generalized, inconcrete and unclear, so I'm sorry to say that I really have no idea what you might be referring to. I would like to understand your criticism, so would you be kind enough to explain what you are actually referring to and how does it relate to my comment?

Just making extremely vague, general and unclear accusations doesn't really lead us anywhere (except perhaps making those who decided to support one of the billionaire empire's two puppets feel good about themselves that this is the "realistic" thing to do) and it doesn't give me anything to respond to, but just leaves me wondering what you might be referring to. If you'd like to receive my serious reply (or even better, to have a mature shared inquiry together) then please be more clear and less vague..please explain what in my comment are you actually referring to..

Having said that, I am guessing (and I have to guess becasue you say nothing concrete or specific and give no details or explanations at all) that you might be trying to say that one must compromise and choose between one of the two anti-life right-wing options that the billionaire's empire provides for us (trump or harris) even if they're not perfect becasue that's what being "realistic" means and we live in a "complex human world", so we have to compromise and make do with what they offer us, so LOL you need to be realistic and shut up and just vote for one of the empire's two puppets. Otherwise you need to move to another planet becasue you don't understand our complex situation.. After all, the capitalist billionaires were kind enough to give you a choice between one of their two puppets, so be thankful for that, you can choose if you want the global mass murder and the transferring of trillions of our money to the war profiteering capitalist ultra-rich and the domination of the 0.1% over us and the treating of the have-nots like dirt by the haves, you can choose between the two options of how you want this to be presented to you, you can choose if you want this done under the guise of (1) 'restoring greatness' and 'superior judeo-christian moral values' and 'america first' and 'law and order' and 'america and israel are exceptional and chosen and have a manifest destiny from god to lead the world to freedom and prosperity' and 'the poor are lazy and evil and to blame for being poor. The rich deserve to be above others and to treat the have-nots like dirt' and 'we're protecting the nation from the evil monstrous scary enemies who are coming to hurt you, but don't you worry, we the patriotic billionaires really really love you and we are here to protect you from the evil enemies, just make sure you keep voting for us to allow us to keep stealing from you and to transfer society's wealth to the ultra-rich' (trump) OR you can choose if you want the billionaires' abuse and theft and eternal war to be done under the guise of (2) 'protecting human rights, democracy, the environment and the underpriviliged' (harris). Choose your poison, but LOL you need to be realistic, you cannot talk about anything other than the two anti-life capitalist right-wing (liberal or conservative) mass murderers that the billilnaire's empire allows you to choose between..if you don't like these two options then that means that you don't like human beings, becasue everyone knows that to like human beings means that you compromise and choose one of the empire's two options. That's what "Love&Unity" is all about. We're uniting in love behind our hero trump because he is here to fight the evil empire for us.. if you don't support that, then that means you don't love human beings and you need to move to a different planet.. trump is love and unity, don't you know?!

Here's just a few small examples (out of numerous) why that perspective is profoundly disastrous, IMHO https://www.caitlinjohnst.one/p/both-trumpism-and-anti-trumpism-are

And here https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/the-billionaire-class-is-no-more



And regarding what alternative is there to the billionaire's right-wing capitalist empire (the domination of the few ultra-rich over the many, whether led by a liberal or conservative puppet) here are a couple of example of what can actually be done (first why and then how)




And https://www.pdrboston.org/let-s-get-organized

And https://www.pdrboston.org/egalitarianism

And https://www.pdrboston.org/mr-billionaire See what a debate with Mr. Billionaire looks like

2. Regarding the energy of your reply - the mocking belittling tone that you used (including starting the reply with a LOL as a childish way to try to demonstrate superiority and present the other as inferior, and the rest of the mocking/belittling/putting-down tone of your reply ) is completely unnecessary, IMHO. Let us relate in a mature way and treat each other respectfully and with kindness, okay?

And to be honest, I find it quite ironic that you are apparently berating me for not taking "human complexity" into account (though I honestly have no idea what in my comment gave you that impression) and then you go ahead and relate to me in this childish mocking way that attempts to turn me into a one-dimensional caricature. A bit ironic, wouldn't you say? Is this how you take "human complexity" into account?!

Disagreeing, questioning and discussing any assertion that i made is highly encouraged and very welcomed, I would love to have that sort of mature serious dialogue with you, however, mocking belittling and attacking the person is not legitimate and completely unacceptable. I sincerely hope you see that and respect that.

And yes, I confess, it is extremely depressing to receive such an immature unconscious reply like yours, which follows the same old traditional war mentality that Charles writes so much about (the mentality of 'you said something that doesn't align with my position and that makes me feel uncomfortable therefore you're my enemy and i must put you down, belittle, shame and mock you'), as if non of Charles' work ever existed, as if you haven't seriously considered and reflected upon a single word in his post.

If you had actually read carefully Charles' post and taken it to heart (as I have) then you would have surely considered his wise words "Every dehumanizing smear, every note of mockery and contempt, every denunciation and condemnation that we put into the public square feeds the powers that would manipulate us into division, war, genocide, and fascism".

Leonara, perhaps instead of immediately putting down, mocking, attacking, belittling and attempting to shame and diminish when you hear something that doesn't align with your position and that makes you feel uncomfortable, instead of immediately employing the demonizing war mentality (that Charles talks so much about), perhaps instead of acting so unconsciously, automatically and immaturely you could have taken a moment to heed Charles' wise advice and actually show emotional maturity and respectfully INQUIRE AND ASK first (before immediately and automatically mocking, attacking, belittling, shaming and putting down) about who I actually am and what do I actually suggest instead of the destructive right-wing billilnaire puppets of harris/trump.

If you had the maturity, love, curiousity and care to actually inquire and ask before immediately and automatically mocking, putting down, belittling and shaming, if you could actually "deal with the complexities of being human", then you might have actually seen, learnt and realized a few things about the heart of another human being, and you might have found out that my vision is actually profoundly pro-human and is very much taking into account the incredible complexity of living on this planet.

But doing so, interacting like a mature sane serious human being, seeing another as an equal, asking first (before attacking and belittling) and inquiring together with another human at eye level with care and curiousity (just as Charles begged us to do, which you clearly didn't take his message to heart), doing so wouldn't be as satisfying to one's ego as putting down, mocking, belittling and presenting oneself as morally superior, would it, Leonara?!

I would like to understand your reply but you provided no explanation or details whatsoever to explain why you say the things you do, just an ugly immature belittling attacking and shaming.

Please get back to me Leonara when you have grown up and have the capacity to interact like a sane, intelligent, mature, caring, equal human being. I would he happy to have a respectful dialogue with you, if you are capable of relating this way.

Thank you for taking my request to heart.

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LOL you really come out swinging, don’t you, Trump? Poor Leonara. Throws a little lol your way and gets an onslaught of condescending vitriol you clearly spent your entire morning composing. An lol is not attacking and belittling, it’s poking fun. You’re so sensitive. And you’ve got your head up your butt, to boot.

Everybody, including Charles, already knows everything you’re saying, Trump. Excellent points, all, but pretty darn obvious to us folks in the Substack space. Charles is handling his situation in the best way anyone could if they were in his place. If you really understood what he was saying, you would realize that the very attitude of railing against the system and informing us that IT’S ALL BAD as you so impotently like to do here in the Comments section, is the exact problem. Charles (and Leonara) KNOWS that the system is evil, but he’s been put in a position where he might be able to whisper in the the ears of the Swamp Kings and perhaps push the attitudes in a compassionate direction, while admitting freely that it is a desperate hope. What else would you have him do? Shake his fist at them and yell and tell them how evil they all are? Think that through, genius.

And give a thought to condensing your comments a bit. You’re taking yourself way too seriously. We’re not Knights of the Round Table here. We’re just little words on the screen. Simmer down.

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Talk about being unconscious and condescending...

Plenty to say with regard to the points brought up in your unkind and unpleasant comment (and yes, there are much MUCH better alternatives and solutions other than trying to somehow influence the puppets of the capitalist billionaire's empire (trump/harris), other than to funnel his supporters into trump's hands and the higjly manipulative Qanon mythology depicting this pro-billionaire right-wing capitalist murderer and deciever as an "anti-elite rebel", as most of charles' and rfk's followers seem to be heading, and I'll give a couple of links about those solutions below), but in all honesty I don't sense from your arrogant, condescending, immature, unkind, violent energy that I have a true partner here for a mature serious shared inquiry that goes beyond a childish ego battle, so i'm sorry but your profoundly disrespectful hostile aggressive mocking unkind way of relating doesn't inspire in me the desire to interact with you. For me, this way of relating to another is an unacceptable red line!!

Beyond any specific content, there is something much more fundamental which is basic human decency, sensitivity and respect for the being of another. I'm sorry but violating that is a red line for me and I do not accept this.

There is a VAST difference between disagreeing about some perspective (which is highly encouraged and welcomed) and between mocking, attacking and belittling the very person. A VAST difference. The former is legitimate and welcomed, the latter is not legitimate and utterly unacceptable. So.. thank you and goodbye

PS. And just so you don't say that I offer no alternative to the capitalist billionaires' right-wing duopoly (the abusive domination of the few ultra-rich - conservative or liberal - over the many) here are a couple of example of what can actually be done (first why and then how)




And https://www.pdrboston.org/let-s-get-organized

And https://www.pdrboston.org/egalitarianism

And https://www.pdrboston.org/mr-billionaire See what a true debate with Mr. Billionaire looks like

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You're right, Trump - oh, wait, did you change your handle? That's weird.

Okay, you're right, Head. I may have been a little condescending there. I'm sorry about that. It's just that you're so long-winded and you took such offense at Leonara's little jibe in such a long-winded, reactionary way it becomes impossible to take you seriously. Nobody wants to read major essays in the comments section; it's terribly presumptuous of you to take up so much space - imagine if we were all in a room together, you'd suck the air right out of it! You clearly have a lot of quality intel, so you should go start your own Substack instead of hijacking others'.

I took the tone I did to provoke you, because it was fun, and it worked splendidly. I haven't been treated to that many adjectives in ages! Sadly, you should know you can't gauge someone's 'energy' by the words in a comment, nor can you gauge my maturity. But people with weird energy and maturity issues sure like to think they do! (Sorry I'm provoking you again)

So please relax and get a sense of humour, and stop cutting/pasting repeats of your comment. That's also tiresome. But I look forward to reading your links. Perhaps I'll comment back to you, with something more agreeable to you.

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"violent energy", "disrespectful hostile aggressive"

Do you not recognise this in your own replies?

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Having been a keen follower of Charles for some time now, what I have noticed of late is that Charles is unfortunately the one who has been influenced by his political associations.

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You are blaming another commentator for being "immature", "mocking", and "attacking", yet I don't think that you realize that you are doing much of the same yourself, especially in your first post above which comes across as deeply antagonistic. I'm not denying that you may have something valuable to contribute, but there is an awful lot of name calling and judgement in your own post. Really feels like the internet can often bring out the worst in people. It's worth thinking about. We're all convinced that we are on the side of righteousness, but those who have no doubt of that conviction I think may be the most dangerous of all. Sending you good energy through this strange world of screens we are all trapped in!

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Thank you. I appreciate it and just would like to be clear about what specifically are you referring to. I wrote several comments and replies so which comment are you referring to (you wrote "your first post above", you mean the one with the question for Charles?) and what SPECIFICALLY in the comment are you referring to? So that I may better umderstand what you are saying. Thank you

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My guess, based on what I've been reading here ... With "your first post above", Josh is referring to your comment to Leonara ... which starts with, "Leonara, two things. First regarding the content and second regarding the energy of your reply ...". I would guess Jowzer is also referring to that. It was rather long, at ~1600 words it basically a short essay. It was, from my point of view, also very inflammatory, and contained a significant amount of projection, evident (to me) in exactly what Josh has pointed out (e.g. "You are blaming another commentator for being "immature", "mocking", and "attacking", yet I don't think that you realize that you are doing much of the same yourself".)

It seems apparent to me you feel very strongly about the topic(s) at hand, and your behaviour comes across as highly reactionary and aggressive. I get the sense that underneath it all, you don't wish to come across as either of those things. But I don't wish to make assumptions about you.

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"Having said that, I am guessing (and I have to guess becasue you say nothing concrete or specific and give no details or explanations at all) that you might be trying to say that..."

Yep. I think you've got it in one. Succinctly put.

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No, the writer is, in my view, firmly planted in this world.

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Well said, Leonara. I think that sums it up quite well. If I take your meaning, you’re pointing out that getting your ass bent out of shape doesn’t help anyone except the ass-straighteners, and they’re all deep-state reptilians.

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LOL - sounds like you need to get a spine, and some moral consciousness.

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I thought head & heart gave a pretty sound analysis, and did a bit of myth-busting.

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SPOT ON across the board.

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So what is it you're trying to say?

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From a pure factual basis - there were 73 new billionaires created in the US between 2016 and 2020 and from 2020 to just 2023 there have been 134 new billionaires created in the US.

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Thank you. Though i admit that i am not sure what is the relation between your reply and my comment.

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No thank you:

No sources, no evidence, just clever avoidance, and roundabout ways of not reflecting on the real social ills of our country (politics should be addressing), not to mention your "insider" anecdotes and loose impressions (Former President Trump hasn't changed, Charles, look at literally any public speaking appearance), opting instead to harp on fear of the deep state, "media control" and "survaillence" (not one mention of neoliberalism and mass inequality, big money in politics, from all "Big-__" industries, in both parties), with a nod to the Fox News hot-button issue of immigration (without taking into full account the plight of those most affected: the immigrants themselves, all these real latino families fleeing unstable countries, nations ravaged by narcotrafficing, violence, neocolonialism, and globalized capitalist trade, yes, but nations full of hungry poor people suffering grief, strife, and injustice hoping to gain our basic freedoms of safety, food, and human rights...that they still experience even when they get here - Trump destroyed legislation to fix this part, lest we forget!)

REAL ISSUES People EXPERIENCE and CARE about: Women's health and reproductive freedoms (Abortion proceedures being outlawed widely at the state level, started in 2016 when conservative Trump-appointed SCOTUS overturned Roe v Wade, and now birth control and IVF are being banned as well), Public Education (Early childhood Ed, daycare, K-12, college access/cost/debt), Healthcare (Coverage costs, poor quality public programs/VA veterans health/drug prices/opiates and substance abuse/mental health&suicide), Poverty/hunger/price of everyday goods and childcare, Common sense gun control (violence, suicide, school/children's safety), Inequality and opportunities (Rich execs/owners being fairly taxed/jobs/economic stability/trade, yes, so tariffs do not shake economic equilibrium and commodity prices), Politically: the right to vote/polling, Citizens United and SuperPAC corruption, the list goes on!

Thanks for absolutely nothing, unsubscribing - and no, I don't care who's side you are on and I don't like divisive social dynamics and US vs THEM thinking but this does less than help, it allows for uninformed pricks to convince themselves to vote for a greedt and stupid sex offender criminal with daddy issues and dictator fantasies, because you sound smart and like a free thinker (minus the critical thinking) 👎

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Good on you, Pat Sullivan, for pointing out the real-life repercussions our choice this November will make. This isn't a matter of abstract thought.

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Other real issues people experience and care about: the chronic disease epidemic that affects half of us, including my son. Kennedy got an arena full of Trump supporters to cheer wildly for clean water, clean food and healthy children. It's hard to think of anything more important than that. And it's not even on the Democrats' radar.

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are you kidding me? that is completely on the radar of the Dems. Trump will loosen or eliminate environmental regulations everywhere he can. You know that to be true, don't you? He did it in his first term and will do it even more so in the second.....

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Yep. RFK made a GREAT statement about that hugely-important issue, and I fully appreciate it. Standing ovation!

But to go with Trump?! There's no excuse for that, and it is inimical to the very issues that RFK highlighted wrt health. EITHER Trump and Harris will ensure continuation of this exploitative and murderous system -- on the health front, and on all other fronts.

If RFK had a lick of real character and understanding, he would have thrown in his lot with the Green Party, which is right on almost everything. Almost. And that's plenty good enough.

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*EITHER Trump OR Harris, pardon

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You don’t get it. You’re just confirming what Charles talks about. You’ve also been propagandized about Trump.

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You can just listen to what Trump says--he's pretty explicit. 'Just vote for me this fall and you will never have to vote again' was one of them. There are many, many more. To his credit, he tells you exactly what he's going to do. If you listen.

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Perfect example of a misunderstanding and selective reading of what he said and proof that we are all caught in echo chambers that re-enforce our own view. Trump was speaking to a Christian group who normally do not have high turnout for elections but lean conservative and would be more likely to vote Trump. His point was that if they don't want to vote anymore in the future that is fine, but at the very least they should come out for this election to vote for him.

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Look at the context of all the other things Trump has said and done. He tells you just who he is--he's kind of honest that way. Sane-washing won't make a good man of him.

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No GabeReal- you don't get it. You may not like Kamala and her politics. Fine. But Trump and his handlers have real world consequences. Try being a 14 year old Texas girl raped and impregnated by her father. How does that fit in your world view. This and many, many other things that a social progressive, inclusive society yearn for are thrown out the window by the transactional nature of "what's in it for me" politics. And, as i continue to say, I am him, and I MUST continue to find the ways it is expressed here, where I am.

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No I do get it. I’m anti- war and the Dems (neoliberals) want forever wars. And I’m pretty sure most states allow for abortions for rape and incest and pregnancy complications. And I am for safe and legal abortions, it’s just not my #1 issue.

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"...if this is the focus of your scrutiny, my message will pass you by." -CE

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So the democrates who have been in power for 8 out of the 12 years have nothing to do with the current status quo. Old scottish saying apt for views of trump..Big boy done it and run away.

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Pat, I hear you...now what Are you doing for the upcoming election?

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Beautiful article Charles, especially the last part. I would take what you are saying one step further - we do not need politics at all or government for that matter. Both are a fiction. A very good book to read is "The Most Dangerous Superstition" by Larken Rose. It opened my eyes to the true nature of "authority" as a made up belief system which is the underlying issue never looked at.. You're definitely on to something Charles and I applaud your critical thinking skills and your courage to speak so honestly your true feelings and thoughts. Sending love your way. Are you still employed by Kennedy's campaign as an adviser or have you resigned?

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I just exited out of this thread because I didn't want to read the onslaught of opinions coming in, but I just had to come back in and thank you for sharing this book. I just looked into it and bought a copy on my ipad and have started reading it...so, granted, I'm only a couple pages in so far (lol) but it is resonating already with so much of what I have felt and with specific lessons I've been given in plant medicine journeys in recent years about breaking from "external authority". As an astrologer, I'll also add that the premise of this book feels very in line with our entry into the 'Age of Aquarius' and, currently (this Sept-Nov), Pluto's last dip into Capricorn representing an opportunity to break free from authoritarianism/governmental control/obedience to external authority. Gives me hope!

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I’m glad you came back in! Your astrological tie-in has convinced me - I’m going to get this book too. Thanks Chelsea for seconding it, and thank you Satya for suggesting it!

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Thank you so much for your comment which cheered me up immensely. So happy that you bought Larken's book. You might also want to check out his recent video, The Jones Plantation which illustrates in story form what is going on https://tubitv.com/movies/100022571/jones-plantation

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That's the "more beautiful world" we need. Where this political sh*zzle is forgotten and all this energy is given to something new. 🙏🏼

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Respectfully, that sounds like it could be spiritual bypass. What if Gandhi had chosen to ignore politics and just meditate in a cave?

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It could be spiritual bypass or it might be in meditation Ghandi got the inspiration for what he did. Using spirituality to put one's head in the sand is one thing but using spirituality to guide actions in the world is probably the only way out of the current mess.

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Beautiful article only in the last part after all of the ends justifying the means drivel for justification and rationalization to counteract the severe cognitive dissonance you are going through. Your ending, however, brings to my mind tenets I have grown to live and die by: We are all in this together. There is no escape. None of us can get out of this alive. Some of us die sooner than others. So, don’t not waste my time. Do not insult my intelligence. Do not try to victimize me. Learn to die well as a healthy death. Be of service to others in relief of their own suffering. Read “The Impossible Community,” by John P. Clark, especially study Chapter 9, “The Common Good: Sarvodaya and the Gandhian legacy.” A real meaning and opportunity behind a Harris administration?

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Unfortunately team unity isn't on the ballot. I acknowledge that neither candidate will give us what we need in terms of radical degrowth and an end to rampant consumption of the planet but on character alone there is a clear choice. Donald Trump is not an honest man. Period. I have seen

it with my own eyes, I have heard it with my own ears. The actual man - not a caricature. Donald Trump has been found liable for sexual abuse. Donald Trump has been found guilty of fraud - multiple times. Donald Trump mocked a disabled man - I saw him do it. These are facts, not media spin, not part of a smear campaign. Character in leadership matters and colors every choice and decision. I'm naive enough to believe that it matters anyway. Apparently that can be ignored so as to not disagree with "Bobby."

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Charles I was really interested when you entered politics because I was really keen to see what you would learn from your experience and that could inform your future work. I respect you but find this position you have reached so disappointing. To me, there is something disingenuous and self righteously smug about it, like you are using your own philosophy to bat away criticism of everything you agree with but not what you disagree with. You can accuse Democrats of all sorts of evil but it’s ok if Republicans are divisive, misogynist and racist, have mass deportation camps, monitor women’s menstrual cycles, and give massive tax breaks to oil companies. Just to name a few of their policies or consequences of their policies. Trump’s playbook thrives on division, I don’t see how you cannot see that. That’s for me to process, I know. I still love your books but I can’t support you financially anymore. I think saying that Trump is just not that bad is irresponsible and weak with such a close election. That’s your decision but like I said so disappointing and very baffling.

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It’s not irresponsible to call Trump “not that bad”, because in reality it’s true. Personally at this time I feel the Democrats are much more dangerous because they are more likely to lead us into WW3. Absolutely no chance I will vote for them this November.

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Trump also increased the military budget and was indirectly responsible for the Israeli war by moving the capital to Jerusalem, which inflamed the whole situation there. He has no understanding of foreign policy, no historical depth and acts out of greed and impulse. I would definitely say he is much more likely to start World War 3.

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Wow, Mr. Pinchbeck! I really enjoyed your 2012 book, I was pretty caught up in that whole narrative. Those were transformative years for me, a special time. Very different than where we are now.

That said, I disagree with you on your comment. I think the Dems are much more likely to lead us into WW3, via Ukraine and not Isreal (or maybe both).

The whole Ukraine thing pisses me off and the is main reason I will probably vote Trump, it could easily have been avoided and I think Trump will negotiate out of it once elected.

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Choose the imperfections you can live with but raise your gaze and know that ultimately there is nothing dividing us except our beliefs.

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you might enjoy my work instead... happy to give you a free subscription.

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What a pathetic grifter.

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Timothy D.

Charles, I agree that to demonize a political opponent is similar to demonizing a foreign enemy, and it is important to strive for compassion and avoid unnecessary hatred. But you are not blind to Trumps rhetoric, his abusive language towards immigrants and political opponents, his pathological lying, and very seriously and scary is his tactic to already call the election false and a cheat if he doesn’t win. His language is literally setting the stage for riots and violence. When a politician publicly uses rhetoric that promotes dangerous or harmful actions, overlooking that persons rhetoric can have real damaging consequences. Condemning a politician's dangerous intentions or actions is not about fueling hate or division; it's about holding them accountable for the impact they have on society. If we ignore or fail to critique these harmful behaviors, we risk enabling policies or rhetoric that could lead to greater harm—whether that be in the form of war, environmental destruction, or human rights abuses. The call for compassion in political discourse is important, but compassion does not require passivity in the face of danger. True compassion, in fact, may sometimes compel us to strongly oppose harmful actions to protect the greater good.

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Exactly. The article is wishy-washy equivocation in the face of something truly corrupt. Yes it does also contain some wisdom and good points. But the overall effect is to pull the wool over people's eyes, in my opinion. No I'm not a Democrat supporter either, and not even American. But we should call out malignant narcissism when we see it, not say 'well he's not so bad in private'. He's not going to be governing using his behind the scenes face, is he?

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True. But there are the same number of concerns that could be voiced about Harris and the Democrat party. Lift your gaze, brother.

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There are ways of voicing such concerns without losing all sense of proportion. For example, MLK campaigned for Lyndon Johnson for President even though they had many differences, because it was clear that LBJ was much better than the alternative. That didn't stop MLK from coming out against he war in Vietnam, but he was smart enough to know that Republicans would have also rolled back Civil Rights legislation. Similarly, Democrats may have some bad policies that need to be opposed, but they are not going to scrap all of the progress we've made on climate change simply to enrich oil companies.

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There are many concerns about the Dems, yes. But only one side has claimed they are going to end democracy


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With all do respect. The DNC just dismisses the democratic process. That is also a way to end Democracy without saying it out loud. The candidate for prez was not elected. They take the Green party and RFK Jr campaigns to court in many states as an attempt to keep them off the ballot or at least drain their very minimal campaign funds. No bueno for democracy!!

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I have no doubt that both sides have done this. Sort of is my point. I don't actually think one side is better than the other.

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I'm sure that's all true, and we could add what they did to Bernie too. But they could actually lose this election and not be in power any more. If DT is telling the truth (unusual for him, admittedly) there won't be any more elections. That's a fairly stark contrast.

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Yes, and such discernments are extremely important in order to avert the disaster that would be a second Trump term. I'm sure Hitler's political opponents had their flaws and were corrupt in their own way, but perhaps the world could have averted disaster if the people of Germany had voted pragmatically for his opponents in spite of their flaws. Everything that you say about taking third parties to court, Robin, has been happening for decades, and both major parties are guilty of it. That doesn't make it right, but we have to understand that the Republicans (even under Trump) are guilty of the exact same thing. It is a corruption of the system that is longstanding. Still, I would rather preserve the status quo for now and try to address that later, than plunge the world into the kind of chaos and instability that Trump would almost certainly unleash in the name of his own ego trip.

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Exactly. Jamie Wheal has described it as 'which side will at least allow the infinite game to continue?' The Dems are massively flawed but at least they are currently still in favour of some kind of democracy continuing, which means they can be put under pressure to get better. Once you scrap elections, it gets a lot more difficult to put any pressure on the party now permanently in power. I think people don't quite realise how much it changes things to no longer live in a democracy and I hope US citizens don't ever have to find out.

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I know, now, that it has been happening for decades. I didn't know back then. That doesn't make it better. I don't like Trump at all. But I really don't see him as Hitler. That is certainly one of the points of Charles's article. Personally I think he's a reactive cry baby. And the more blows he receives the more reactive and more unpredictable he becomes. Anyway. The point is, we already don't live in a democracy.

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With all due respect:)

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"True compassion, in fact, may sometimes compel us to strongly oppose harmful actions to protect the greater good."

Absolutely! It is one thing to try to avoid the good vs. evil mythology. It is another thing to contruct a new mythology out of that avoidance that authorizes condoning overt evil. Evil does exist. It is not a supernatural or subhuman force.

Solzhenitzyn very aptly said that the line between good and evil runs within each person. So to project all of one's potential for evil onto others is a deception. But to deny others' potential for evil is also a deception. What does it mean to bear witness? It means to observe what is actually going on without fear or favor. It means to make judgements based on those observations.

The U.S. political system denies its citizens a real choice while it tantalizes them with false choices. Democrats do bad things? Vote Republican! Republicans do bad things? Vote Democrat! Whatever you do, THROW THE BUMS OUT! (and throw the other bums back in).

Even the "outsiders" who show up from time to time turn out to be insiders. Do you want to destroy the deep state? Vote for the guy whose grandfather was Ambassador to England, whose uncle was POTUS, whose father was Roy Cohn's assistant on the Joe McCarthy anti-communist crusade and then worked tirelessly trying to put Cohn in jail. This is unhealthy prince-and-the-pauper fairytale thinking. There is no outsider savior. There will be no outsider savior. Trust me.

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"It is one thing to try to avoid the good vs. evil mythology. It is another thing to construct a new mythology out of that avoidance that authorizes condoning overt evil. "

Concise and brilliant. Pithily lays waste all of Eisenstein's verbose hand-waving.

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Nonsense. So, it is one thing to avoid good vs evil mythology, but we have to stay clear of avoiding good versus overt evil!?!

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No. It is one thing to avoid good vs. evil MYTHOLOGY. It is another thing to embrace another MYTHOLOGY that rationalizes and condones overt evil. Although they are both embedded in narratives there is a difference between fiction and fact. Sometimes discerning that difference is difficult, even painful. But pretending a story is a story is a story is a fool's game.

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There is no such thing as "overt evil". There is even no such thing as evil. Or good. We think about good and evil as if these were universal , fixed categories - and everyone should know what is good and what is evil. But what is good and what is evil is only defined by our belonging to different groups. What is considered "good" by one group is considered evil by another. This is the biggest trap all of the Western civilisation has fallen into. Democracy through its election system is only fuelling this battle between different groups' consciences.

You think you know what "overt evil" is? So did Hitler. And took measures to eradicate it.

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So are you saying that what Hitler did to eradicate what he thought was overt evil was neither good nor evil? Or are you saying that people who think what Hitler did was evil are just like Hitler?

You initially replied to my comment saying it was "nonsense." How could there be such a thing as "nonsense" if there is no good or evil? In my book (which includes both the bible and enlightenment philosophy) nonsense is nearly a synonym for evil. If people believe nonsense, they will commit evil acts.

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I’m a big fan of RFK Jr. and donated more money to him then i have ever donated to anyone. He is a man of great integrity and I stand with his decision and will vote for Trump if there is any chance Kennedy can play a role in that administration. It feels like we are engaged in a spiritual battle for the soul of this country and while Trump is a most imperfect messenger he is on the right side of this battle. As a life long Democrat. I’m appalled at what has in happened to the Democratic party. I have been surprised even shocked at some of my liberal friends who feel the same way and are voting for Trump.

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I agree. It baffles my mind how anyone can still believe the Democrats lies.

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One sure as hell does not have to like or believe the Democrats to see that Trump, and the Republican Party, are a real threat to the survival of civilization. Same with the Democrats. Both parties are ecocidal warmongering plutocracy-supporting pieces of shit. And obviously so.

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Sep 10Edited

The Democratic Party of today is not the party of my fathers. I don't know entirely what's happened but it is scary as hell.

And the thing is--at least with the Dems I know--you just can't talk to them. Can't reason with them.

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I appreciate the general thrust of what you are saying here, Charles. As always, it is sensitively written, made me think, and refreshingly defies convention political labels or opinion tribes. Still, I think that you demonstrate through your treatments of the Palestine issues vis-a-vis Kennedy, and the destruction of public lands vis-a-vis Trump that criticisms can be made on policy grounds without "othering." Similarly, I think it is perfectly appropriate and acceptable to prefer a candidate in this election without "othering" ot "ritually denounching" the opposition. Perhaps you genuinely have no preference - it is certainly another tiresome choice of the lesser of two evils. But part of me also (lovingly) wonders if you are getting carried away by your own valid points. We can take a stand on important issues and have preferences in politics while still not throwing the opposition out of our hearts. Desmond Tutu prayed every day for the unrepentant leaders of the Apartheid government. But he still worked for their demise politically, as I humbly submit we must also do with Donald Trump and his agenda. No need to throw him in jail or tar and feather him, though.

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I did not take from Charles' piece that he doesn't personally lack a preference. And I wholeheartedly agree about it being possible to have a clear preference without demonizing/othering those not preferred. My take is that Charles' function on planet earth is different from say RFK or Nicole Shanahan's. So it seems apt for him to keep pointing to the ground underneath without a focus on his own political preference this November.

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And FWIW I'm on the other side from you, politically, as I am working to make sure that the Dems' agenda does not come to fruition

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I meant to say Charles doesn't indicate that he lacks a personal preference. His piece is about the greater framework

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it is not about Charles

it is not about any individual

it is much much bigger!

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One can talk about the greater framework while still taking a stand. I believe that with the dangers a Trump presidency poses - on climate change alone, but on a whole host of other issues - we do have a moral duty to take a stand. That does not mean condoning every one the Democrats' policies. MLK campaigned for LBJ and then publicly opposed his stance on Vietnam. That was a much more reasonable strategy than letting the Republicans come in and roll back all the progress that had been made on Civil Rights. I fear that Charles, especially given the dark mood he's admitted to being in since Covid, has leaned a little too far into his fascination with collapse, which he has written about in his books for years. For example, this quote from Chapter 2: Breakdown in his More Beautiful World Book: "It is frightening, this transition between worlds, but it is also alluring. Have you ever gotten addicted to doom-and-gloom websites, logging on every day to read the latest evidence that collapse is coming soon, feeling almost let down when Peak Oil didn’t start in 2005, or the financial system didn’t collapse in 2008? (I’m still worried about Y2K myself.) Do you look toward the future with a mixture of dread, yes, but also a kind of positive anticipation? When a big crisis looms, a superstorm or financial crisis, is there a part of you that says, “Bring it on!” hoping it might free us from our collective entrapment in a system that serves no one (not even its elites)?" - As much as this is an important psychological insight, I believe that it is dangerous and self-defeating for one's actions to be guided by it. This seems like the only basis upon which somebody like Charles can justify even entertaining the thought of a second Trump term. Of course, this is just my speculation.

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There are many of us -- including myself, a heretofore lifelong Dem -- who are far more concerned about the prospect of digital totalitarianism than climate change (even though I oppose unmitigated fossil fuel rampage). We support Trump not because he is an unflawed or remotely ideal candidate but rather because we see the Dems aligned w with the totalitarian agenda (some knowingly, most unwittingly). I don't see anything in this current piece of Charles to suggest that he is coming from a blackpilled perspective (addiction to doom and gloom). Rather he seems to recognize the complexity of the global issues we face and the nuance required to navigate. I think it's a beautiful piece that urges everyone to do their own brave inquiry (and their own research!)

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I too am making the transition from Democratic Voter, to non-Voter, to likely Trump voter this time around. I think the Dems are much better at manipulating well intention-ed people to support their "team". There is something deeply sociopathic about them IMO.

Trump, regardless of his many and deep flaws, I think can possibly be the hammer to the system, the chemotherapy if you will, that will shock the body politic into reset. It may be too late for that, but at least Trump gives us the chance. A vote for the Democrats is to continue with the cancer.

Many Dem supporters say that their biggest concern is the environment, but their policies display a profound ignorance of ecology and complexity. They are totalitarian and opposed to diversity. For example, see their policies regarding the Covid vaccines which they forced on people without realizing that a disease response that proposes to use the exact same mechanism for each and every person is the exact opposite of the diversity that nature relies on.

I was glad to see RFK Jr.'s endorsement of Trump. Beyond the toxic us vs. them of the political discourse, there is something so profoundly beautiful that happens when you truly open your heart to those who you thought were your enemies. I was deeply saddened by Trump's election in 2016, but to realize that those who I might fear or look down upon have something valuable and important to offer has been very moving and powerful realization.

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Been the lone Dem in my family for over 50 years. 2020 was like a bucket of ice water to the face and, as much as I've always disliked Mr. Trump, he's getting my vote. Once your eyes are opened, you cannot unsee. Good for you for working through it all.

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Trump's performance last night was sad, reminding us that his narcissism is a terrible flaw and how tragic it is that RFK was not on that stage.

Be that as it may, I agree with all your points. The sociopathic agenda is much more dangerous with a talented politician in her prime like Kamala Harris so we're in a precipitous time right now

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You don't find something sociopathic about people who want to control women's bodies and reduce taxes on the wealthy while raising them on the poor, at a time when a lot of people can't afford basic stuff? Trump also increased the military budget and was indirectly responsible for the war in Israel by moving the Israeli capital to Jerusalem. You've been hoodwinked, by Charles and Trump.

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You don't think that authoritarians like Trump, if they cement power, will also use the digital tools to enforce their regime? I think they are much more likely to do so than the Democrats, and this issue has been distorted via conspiracy rhetoric. I recommend the work of Matt Stoller who actually does serious journalism than whatever steaming pile the New Age hack is peddling here.

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Trump is an old man and IMO, echoing what Charles wrote, is not as likely a vessel for the global totalitarian agenda, no. I don't think he will 'cement power' in any way, shape or form frankly. With Trump the main risk is incompetence (and assassination).

I'm familiar with the work of Matt Stoler and Whitney Webb and think I have a very good grounding in the risks we face. I'm not saying Trump is not vulnerable but no I don't think he's as fully aligned as the DNC.

Yes mine is a spiritual perspective. As is Charles' (who btw has embraced the term New Age, in case you missed that). I was a Dem when I thought that Wetiko / Satanic forces/ MIC/whatever-term-works-for-you-wise-one were holding more sway on the Republican side. Now that the neocon switcheroo is complete with the Cheneys on the Dem side of the ledger, my opinion on where the risks are greater has shifted.

"Conspiracy rhetoric" is appropriate to the extent that humans have a tendency to conspire -- we each have to judge what we think is going down on planet earth today.

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Just as a side comment to your feeling that AI is more of a threat than climate change; I wonder if you'll still feel that way when the Earth starts shaking, volcanoes start going off all over and violent storms destroy millions of homes, the supply chains are broken and there is starvation, mass homelessness and disease everywhere. If all this starts happening because the Earth needs to clear Herself from the thousands of years of war and bloodshed, cruelty, poisoning and polluting that our civilization has perpetrated on Her, with these horrific results becoming more and more likely by the day, I think probably computers and AI will be just more piles of useless junk that our Mother needs to clean up after and recycle in her molten magma and send spouting out of volcanoes to remineralize the soil that we have so badly depleted. Just a thought.

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is that for me? Who said anything about AI?

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"it is certainly another tiresome choice of the lesser of two evils" It doesn't have to be like this. It continues because we let it. We who believe in justice have had our voices suppressed by the MSM for many years. Our voting in large numbers for a third candidate sends a message to both TPTB, and to ourselves that we are here, and were are many. That's a gift we can give ourselves. Let's do it together!

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I agree. Let's preserve our electoral democracy in the short term by making sure that the authoritarian who has told us he will weaponize the system for the sake of his own ego does not get in. Preserving the imperfect system we have is the best hope for improving it in the future. If Trump gets in, making sure third party candidates get a fair shake will seem like quaint concern from simpler times.

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Thank you. I wanted to say exactly that!

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Excellent response - concise and cuts right though the main issue. Thank you.

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This was painful to read. The intelligence of the author is very apparent, but the whole article wraps itself in lofty language to sidestep the core realities surrounding Donald Trump and his very real role in political division. The article paints the division as a witch-hunt mentality but ignores the very tangible reasons why Trump is a polarizing figure. It is not about demonizing someone for political gain; it’s about recognizing the consequences of Trump's actions, from undermining democratic processes to perpetuating the most harmful rhetoric of any presidential candidate in our lifetime. Labeling criticism as a mere societal purge avoids accountability. The article also employs false equivalency, claiming that both the right and left are equally guilty of inciting division. While polarization is an issue on both sides, Trump’s legacy includes explicit actions that have exacerbated racial tensions, undermined democratic institutions, and promoted authoritarianism. To dismiss this as mere projection or part of an “information war” downplays the real dangers that his policies and rhetoric pose to marginalized communities and the stability of democracy.

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Well put. CE is engaging in a serious spiritual bypass here. The issues are really simple. It's not necessarily projection and othering to call out wrongdoing. Sometimes people just do harmful things, and don't tell the truth, and other people call them out for it. That's called 'justice'. What CE is doing is normalising the actions of someone who has a lengthy track record of harm and lying, all proven, often in courts of law. Yes there is an information war as well, but to hide behind that in order to protect his little bit of power and influence, and give these lofty spiritual reasons for why it's all OK really is really severe cognitive dissonance. I'm disappointed, especially as the essay does make some solid points alongside all that, but not surprised, after the frankly ridiculous 'Sith' essay, which was the setup for this one.

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good one, My Guy!

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Lofty indeed, to judge anyone's policies and rhetorics "posing danger to marginalized communities and the stability of democracy." Because this applies that WE know what the right policies are, the ones which don't endanger "the stability of democracy". This attitude also feeds the illusion that if only the right man or the right party which would make the right policies came to power everything would be all right. This is the "democracy illusion".

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Thanks Scott. I second this.

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WOW!! Thank you, thank you, thank you Charles! I needed that beautiful ,loving, eagle-eye perspective you so eloquently gift us, time and time again. Thank you for all you have done and will continue to do to support loving kindness, wisdom and spiritual health in the wild world. Blessings and love to you!

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Thank you, Maureen. Your comment is a breath of fresh air in this thread. I too felt this essay was brilliant and heart-luminous. I am deeply grateful for Charles’ work and consistency in calmly dispensing the medicine of his rich perspective. Thank you, Charles 🙏🏼❤️‍🔥

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So disappointing Charles. While I have always had, and still have so much respect and appreciation for the depth and heart of your view ie., there is no 'other', I find your response unfortunate. I don't need to follow any news sources to see who Trump is. I listen to his words and watch what he does. And have since he first showed up in the New York real estate world where he first showed himself as a bully and a thug. “That thing? I didn’t even know about it until people started to complain. It was written by some right-wing asshole. There’s something crazy on every page. We’re not going to do any of that stuff.” Really? Well I guess since he said that, he must be telling the truth. I think anyone who doesn't think Trump wants to be king for life and bequeath his kingdom to his family and that he will now say anything to win, is not paying attention. He's publicly threatening to go after anyone on the government he feels like. Send all those folks back to those 'shithole countries'. Really, Charles. Is that where we're at now, when to be cool, socially and culturally relevant we can't say something is flat out wrong that needs to be called out. I am not a 'democrat' or 'republican' or anything else and I aways vote, though I wasn't sure this year. We're either heading for civil war no matter who wins, or/and a huge crackdown on what rights we still get to exercise. Growing up jewish (though I don't consider myself jewish) I've often wondered how Germany allowed Hitler to become Hitler. Now it appears I am witnessing it. How does that go? If we won't stand for something, we'll fall for anything'. I have given away many 'The most beautiful world...' books and spent much time with 'The Ascent of Humanity' so I wouldn't just write you off over this. I'm so disappointed. It hurts my heart Charles.

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This. I find it genuinely shocking and disturbing that people who identify as “energy workers” and other forms of New Agisms are so blind to the very real threats the American Right pose.

Drump is merely their useful fool. Putin really is as close to the Devil as a human can get. The Ukrainians are fighting for their survival and we are obligated by treaty to support them. Putin would have never annexed and invaded if they hadn’t voluntarily given up their nukes.

Israel, for all her faults, is fighting for survival in an increasingly hostile region. Yes, they’ve gone too far with mistreating civilians. But Hamas and Iran deserve all the blame for putting them in harms way.

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"Gone too far", yes.

In a like fashion, the Nazis went too far when they built Buchenwald. They should have just stuck with Auschwitz; that was good enough.

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Thanks Tristan! Sane and cogent.

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If you have have so much respect and appreciation for the depth and heart of the view , there is no 'other' than you would understand that Hitler is just one of us, a human like us, also Putin, also Trump, as much as mother Theresa. The challenge for humanity that Charles is making us aware of is that we need to learn how to have true compassion in our heart regardless of our political views or anything else, even what we consider the most hideous of crimes. What is being proven over and over again through history is this: if you can not have compassion for Hitlers, you turn into one!

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Beautifully expressed. Thank you for writing this.

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Charles -- I hope this gets you off that rarified list you’re on, of top people to listen to. I don’t know where the old Charles went, who I found to be inspirational calling us to the state of consciousness we needed to be in, but I see this writing as the height of pomposity. I find what you say to be dangerous, and I'm saying this in the hope that your fans and followers aren't just blindly influenced by what you say.

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Wow. I felt exactly the opposite. So few people call out tribalism so well. It was a relief to read his words.

I am truly curious. What did you find so pompous?

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Answer: the whole thing, in totality.

Pompous: "affectedly and irritatingly grand, solemn, or self-important."

As sandwichman wrote (above):

"It is one thing to try to avoid the good vs. evil mythology. It is another thing to construct a new mythology out of that avoidance that authorizes condoning overt evil."

Precisely correct, and sweeps away all of Eisenstein's verbose and (indeed) *pompous* hand-waving.

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Some of the most sincere true believers have been the most dangerous humans we have spawned.

Lots of them spoke clearly their beliefs.

Just honestly speaking ones true feelings and thoughts no matter how well phrased is not grounds for applause.

This critique should obviously be applied to psychopathic liars like Trump, misguided kooks that have gone astray like RFK and in this case to CE himself as he writes about these other two.

I was flabbergasted that CE presents as an some kind of meaningful argument for Trump that Trump told RFK he wouldn't implement project 2025 or a nationwide abortion ban. This just demonstrates to me that CE has no ability to see the man for what he is. He so wants to bolster his main thesis at all turns that he wants us to believe Trump is trustworthy!!

What does this say about CE as someone that folks here seem to be looking to for answers? Charles would be well served to go back to just doing moral theorizing rather than failing at understanding the most obvious of "what you see is what you got" people. A backstage pass doesn't seem to have helped.

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yes it is totally mindboggling... perhaps Charles ultimately has a touch of that ol' infectious narcissism. I edited and published his Sacred Economics, but over the years I began to recoil from how he developed. A combination of willful naivete about humanity as a whole and individual humans like Putin or Trump, and a huge amount of grandstanding. As in the climate book, where he couldn't acknowledge that despite all of the rhetoric about nature, we also need radical reductions in CO2 to avert our extinction. He has led his followers down the garden path, to a Trump-ian outhouse. Perhaps they will re-evaluate the entire intellectual trajectory that led them here.

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Some say willful naivete. Some same purposeful idealism. Not everyone is here to argue a position or assert their dominance. CE presents a certain meta perspective that is highly useful for when we inevitably become too zoomed-in on details.

Nobody here is getting all their political info from CE. It's an auxiliary learning tool, not the be-all end-all.

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Your tug of war attitude serves the war machine and the forces of authoritarianism more perfectly and more thoroughly than anything either of these clown candidates might do.

You do not disagree with Charles. You merely find him off narrative, from which flows an explosive reaction, devolving immediately into labeling and dismissal. Both pretend sides of this essentially silly non-politics of ours display this substitute for thinking millions of times every day. This is the nature and soul of partisanship. It is anti-rational, anti-liberal, anti-everything the American experiment ever hoped it might become.

A sane person cannot slip a razor’s width of rational difference between Trump and any Democrat since the party apparatus selected that Arkansas huckster in ‘92. Please reconsider.

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I find this to be far more pompous than any words I hav